The bell twinkles on the shop door,As it swings open wide,A sugar-sweet aroma,Greets Maddie from inside She loves The Flaky Pie Shop,A pastry pie boutique,Choosing all the Christmas pies,The highlight of the week! Maddie claps her hands with joy, And presses ‘gainst the case,Pies, pies, pies, lined up inside!She smiles with happiness. Which will you…
Category: KID PICK
Wherein We Chat About Christmas Books {Surprise Children’s Bundle Giveaway}
Pull up a chair! Grab your favorite coffee mug! Let’s chat! FIRST……………we have a delightfully fun giveaway at the end of this post! Zonderkidz is gifting a Surprise Bundle of six children’s Christmas books to one of YOU, my comrade blog friends! I’m super excited about this fun idea! I don’t even know which books…
Pages & Projects {100 Words of Affirmation and Scarlett’s Spectacles}
Three books and two dishcloths! 🙂 Oh, and a few other book mentions if I remember! I truly love how pretty this navy yarn looks as a dishcloth. It definitely has me thinking about wintertime and all things cozy. I must be in a navy mode because I picked up Christmas giftwrap at Wal-Mart this…
Good News! God Made Me! Board Book and Giveaway
Good news on this Monday morning! It’s arriving in the form of two pretty cute board books! They both have Good News! in the title! Isn’t that delightful?! Yes, yes it is! 😉 These two books are new this month from Glenys Nellist. You’ll find The Wonder That is You also by Glenys Nellist in…
Flash and Henry Bookset Giveaway
It’s sixty-six degrees here today and the sun is shining against a perfectly gorgeous, blue, Kansas sky! It’s a bit windy for my taste, but hey, I’ll take me some lovely fall weather. YES, I WILL. 🙂 I mixed up an English Toffee cappuccino for a midafternoon break and curled up with The Joy of…