They’re Finished!!!!!! I’d do cartwheels if I was capable. It was fun to make this pattern again.
I packaged the mitts up and sent a Valentine package off to my friend.
After I had fun snapping a few pictures. I was quite glad I remembered to take pictures. I would have been annoyed when I got ready to post for Yarn Along.
Also, a bit surprised that I remembered!
Middle of February!!
That means my second verse for SSMT.
Ruth 2:7
She said, Please let me glean and gather among the sheaves behind the harvesters. She went into the field and has worked steadily from morning till now, except for a short rest in the shelter.
This fun package arrived on Monday.
It is the most fun launch team package I’ve ever received. Total happy mail!
Good book. {Just in time for Valentine’s Day.} Pretty mug reminder. A pen and a sweet thank-you note.
I started reading it pretty quickly.
I’ve said it before. I’ll say it again….and probably again….and again….
Books are great. And one of the things I really appreciate about reading is the way it will inspire and encourage me in my life in whatever area the book is focusing on.
Oh, I have favorite books. I don’t always agree with an author. I seldom totally relate or agree with everything. I do have books I just don’t like, but it seems like there’s always some sort of inspiration or take away. If nothing else, perhaps a new word or concept I hadn’t heard before…………….and, most likely, will promptly forget…………..ha!……………….but still………………..
I whipped right through Overwhelmed. I guess the book didn’t overwhelm me. {Funny, funny!!!}
No, honestly I really, reeeeaaallly liked it.
Easy-to-read. {My favorite kind.}
Practical. Common Sense. Relatable.
Real life and real feelings. So. Yep. I related.
I cracked open the cover on She Reads Truth. Likin’ it too, though I’ve only read a couple of chapters.
And working my way through The Broken Way.
And the irony….thinking about broken things and the good and the bad of broken.
My mug in the above launch package? It arrived with a broken handle.
I didn’t want to show the broken handle on Instagram {above pic was one I posted on IG of the package} because I didn’t want the sweet author and help to know the handle was broken. Because I’m ok with it.
And it’s had a lot of thoughts turning around in my head about brokenness and the meshing of circumstances in life with the things you are currently learning or focusing on.
A good choice for Valentine week…………
This is a sweet book with a powerful message written in rhyme. I recommend it highly.
Start reading it when your kiddos are very young. Instill integrity and good characteristics in them and in the knowing what makes a good person to commit your life to.
A little dishcloth work! I’m afraid the dishcloths have been pushed to the back burner.
I finished the mitts.
I did some deeper cleaning in my upstairs. I am SO HAPPY about this. I feel like I’m catching up on a few things I have absolutely not felt like doing or really been capable of doing for a couple of years because of sciatic pain. {My apologies to you if you pop in here and read often. I don’t mean to keep hammering on the sciatic pain…but it is a very real part of my life and I am amazed at how badly I did feel and didn’t realize it. It’s been an emotional discovery for me. I feel like I’ve missed out on life in some ways in the last two/three years. AND I had a lot of times I was forcing myself to do stuff and I was dealing with guilt feelings of “what-is-wrong-with-me-why-am-I-so-lazy” or “why-is-this-so-hard-for-me-it-shouldn’t-be” or “why-can’t-I-get-stuff-done?”}
ANYWAY. HAPPY to catch up a bit here and there.
I made the Valentine ribbons and that was super fun.
I’ve also been working on some handlettering poster scroll thingies.
Time goes too swiftly…..I’ve told Matthew frequently recently that “each day goes too quickly”. BUT, when you’re in pain or a hard situation, you certainly don’t want time to stop or slow down.
Look at this cute Valentine!
A little friend blessed me with it and it’s been making the front of my refrigerator happy and making me smile every time I spy it! So fun to watch littles learn to love to spread cheer and scatter kindness!
{all the details ~ the fun folded arms and legs….the hairbow….the hearts for hands and feet…And googly eyes, of course!}
GIVEAWAY going on right HERE for Rose City Chocolate tea from Winterwoods Tea Company. Go enter!
I’m trying a new app on my phone to see if it will help my brain be better organized. Is that a thing? A better organized brain?! 🙂
I read the idea in Overwhelmed, to break a task or project down into microsteps. List each step, whether it’s picking something up at the store before you can begin the project or each step to carry it out to the finish.
I found an app called Todoist and I’m using the project part of it to list some things I would like to do and then chop them into their microsteps. It always helps me to make list. I think you would call it a braindump. Writing it down helps ease the mental pressure of continuing to think about it OR keep reminding myself that I WANT TO REMEMBER THIS.
What’s one of your favorite list or organization tricks?
Here’s hoping this post makes a little sense. I’ve felt rather scattered over the last few three weeks.
AND YES, that’s not anything all that totally new, but sometimes it is worse! Haha!
Have a great day!
What are you hoping to do today?
Linking up with Ginny and Frontier Dreams ~