- The story of St. Valentine. We read a children’s book quite a few years ago and it told this story about St. Valentine. The emperor decided to ban marriage because he was having trouble recruiting men for his army. He believed the men didn’t want to leave their homes and families and decided banning engagements and marriages was the answer. St. Valentine secretly married couples anyway and eventually lost his life because of it. I like that he stood up for marriage and love. Marriage was and is ordained by God and it portrays the love of Christ for His bride, the church.
2. I like that there is a time dedicated to thinking about and showing love. Goodness knows, we all want and need to be loved! And it always does me good to have reminders to grow in good things.
3. I love the red and pink and white!
4. I love fresh flowers and I enjoy seeing the explosion of flowers and bouquets in the stores. 🙂
5. The candy too, of course!! It’s just so pretty.
6. Fun Valentine cards. I like making Valentine’s, though we certainly haven’t done it every year.
7. Fun treats to bake! We’ve made heart cut-out quite a few times over the years. More than we’ve done Christmas ones since this time of year doesn’t hold all the other activities that Christmas brings.
8. I like to add simple Valentine touches to my decor and around my home. I have some fun pillows from my sister that add a perfect touch!
9. Ever since I found Lilla Rose, I’ve enjoyed seeing their February flexi because it usually has a Valentine theme.
10. Hmmmm. One more thing……let’s say…..the celebration! Celebration in life is a gift and diffuses joy across our days.
How about you? What do you like about Valentine’s Day?

I LOVE everything you love! While I try to show friends and family they are special on a regular basis its nice to be reminded to make sure they know. Time can slip past so fast.
Happy Valentine’s Day! May love and joy always be yours.
Hooray! Kindred valentine spirits. 🙂
Time DOES slip by so fast. So fast.
Thanks for your sweet wishes. I hope your Valentine’s Day has been wonderful as well!