Another year of reading is almost to the finish line.And then we get to begin again!Reading forever! 🙂I’m quite convinced my TBR and TBRR {to-be-re-read} stacks and lists are going to long outlive me. On the one hand this is so sad, on the other it’s so good to know I have so many books…
Category: Favorites
Some of my favorites..
Breathing Life
What breathes life into you? What offers an exhale of refreshing? Who do you breathe easier around? Here’s one of mine: Spring of 2022 brought the formation of a Book Club Society into my life. It’s been one of my very favorite parts of this year. Life-giving + breathing joy in + delight = a…
Bits and Pieces To Delight In {April}
Spring is my favorite. I’m glad to welcome it in, though it’s been slow and teasing and windy and springing from hot and cold in all of its edging in coming. The violets have sprung up in the woods and daffodils and tulips delighted us with their blooms. Here are a few of the things…
Bits and Pieces That Delight {February}
Bits of this. Pieces of that. Here’s a compilation of places I’m finding lovely, things I’m anticipating or eyeing, words I’m pondering, and a sprinkling of laughter and delight. I’d love to hear what’s adding joy and gratitude to your life right now….. Three things that bring you delight • Three things you love to…
Bits and Pieces That Delight {January}
I like lists. I like fun stuff. I like beauty. I like delight. I like books. I like quotes. I like stickers. I have several blogs or newsletters I enjoy reading which consist of lists similar to this. I’m bringing my own for any of you who, like me, love browsing this type of thing….