Bits of this. Pieces of that.
Here’s a compilation of places I’m finding lovely, things I’m anticipating or eyeing, words I’m pondering, and a sprinkling of laughter and delight.

I’d love to hear what’s adding joy and gratitude to your life right now…..
Three things that bring you delight •
Three things you love to do and feel confident at •
Something you are anticipating •
Something you are grateful for •
One thing that is absolutely not a favorite •
Where did you find beauty today?
Good pens, foamy coffee, and twinkle lights bring me delight.
I love baking butterhorns and setting up a table for a teaparty and sending happy mail.
I’m anticipating several books I have in my TBR stack.
I’m completely grateful for our wood furnace.
I absolutely do not favorite the nastiness that is poison ivy. {Renae cut some down and dug out the roots in our woods. Seeing as it is winter one would think one would be safe from it, but alas, no. She ended up with itchy, oozy patches on her arms. We will be aware and take more precautions in the future.}
Beauty beckoned from my daughter’s colorful scarf that I’d borrowed and wound snugly around my neck.
A Good Read:
How To Cultivate a Habit of Delight
Here’s a great book list ~
15 Books I’m Looking Forward to This Spring
I’ve been playing fireplaces and cozy cabins with fires on my basement rec room tv screen. No, it’s not quiiiiiiiiite the same as “real life” but it creates a cozy ambiance all the same. Especially if I light some candles to flicker along the shelf below the tv. 🙂
{affiliate links in this post, comrades. Thank you!}
Making Me Laugh With Delight:
The thrill and excitement animating from this adorable little girl when she “sees” herself in Encanto.
Have you watched Encanto? I have and I loved it so much. I can’t wait to watch it again.
This is such a good post here ~ Encanto and the Miracle of Empathy.
This reel ~ I’m Gonna Read 500 Books……the best!
Loved listening to the first two episodes of this new podcast with Karen Swallow Prior ~ Jane and Jesus. If you love Pride & Prejudice and Jane Austen, well, I think you’ll want to take a listen.
I love this stockpot for cooking soup.

For years I’ve had an old stockpot that had been my husband’s aunts. Food would always stick to the bottom producing a less than desired effect and leaving a large ring needing soaking and scrubbing. Last autumn I paid attention to the fact I always dreaded pulling that pan out to make soup. It struck me I could change the narrative. I browsed Amazon a bit and ordered this one and HAVE NOT REGRETTED IT FOR ONE MOMENT. I love it and now look forward to pulling it out to simmer soup.
I’m eyeing these Nordic socks. Probably because we’ve recently had snow and bitter cold temperatures and a too-whoopy wind.
This bracelet would be a lovely Valentine’s gift or fun to wear on Valentine’s Day.
Love these pouches from Better Life Bags….and the way their business supports women and offers employment. {Perfect color on these pouches for Valentine’s too.}
Waymaker by Ann Voskamp is now available for pre-order and she’s offering a lovely pre-order bundle. Go here to register your pre-order.
Encountering God by Kelly Minter ~ this new Bible study sounds so good to me.
Garden Maker by Christie Purifoy………..think spring!
Once Upon a Wardrobe by Patti Callahan ~ loving this masterful story!
Atlas of the Heart by Brene Brown…..fascinating look at the emotions everyone in the human experience feels
The Inspire Prayer Bible is an edition I love and am glad to have on my shelves.

What fosters connection?
Do you have many places where your soul feels truly safe and known?
‘”All shall be well, and all shall be well and all manner of thing shall be well.”
Julian of Norwich