Here’s to new chapters and doing things for the first time! This is the first I’ve compiled a list of TBR books for my year.
NOW. This doesn’t mean these are the ONLY books I want or intend to read.
No! No! No! 🙂
Hopefully, there will be quite a few more among the number. For several years, I pinned my Books Read to {Library List}s on Pinterest. {See them here}
Due to life and changes and investing time in other places, this method fell by the wayside. I did enjoy it and it was a fun way to make a list and remember what I’d read.
I have not kept track of the books I’ve read for the last three of four years, except for listing my ten favorite books I read in the calendar year.
I do have this lovely reading journal by Anne Bogel but haven’t started a consistent practice of writing all my books in it. I’m still musing on exactly how I want to use it. I’m leaning towards listing books I especially love in it, yet it could be so super interesting to keep a log of all books read. I’m undecided. Do you use a reading journal? How do you use it or would you use it?
Speaking of Anne Bogel from The Modern Mrs. Darcy, she was our Tuesday Teacher today in hope*writers. {Hope*writers is opening to new members later this month, comrades! If interested, click here for further info.}
Anne told us she read 300 books in 2021! OH MY GOODNESS. That’s almost a book a day. While I plan to read more than ten, I absolutely have no plans to read in the neighborhood of 300. 🙂 Anne did say she does not plan to do this again – it was too many. Also, it is her ACTUAL JOB to read books, {WOOT!!!} and she listens to a lot of audiobooks and counts them….and I agree….audiobooks totally count.
I think it will be interesting to see, at the end of the year, if any of my selected ten books make it onto My Favorite Books Read in 2022 list.
Another lovely lesson I learned from Anne Bogel and use as a rule of my reading life……Because One Begins a Book Does Not Mean One Must Finish It.
Yep. If I’m not enjoying it or it wasn’t what I was expecting, I will put it aside and choose another book. Life is too short, reading time too scattered some days, to waste it on books which aren’t inspiring me, teaching me, entertaining me, or causing me to think. It’s invaluable to learn what type of books you enjoy. We all have favorite genres, authors, and titles.
I’ve learned I really enjoy memoir or good biographies. This shouldn’t surprise me since I love hearing people’s stories. A good story is the best teacher.
My TBR in 2022 is in no particular order. I did start reading The Harvester, but I’m not very many pages in. I love Gene Stratton Porter’s books and haven’t reread this one for quite a number of years. Here’s my list of ten…… one bonus book!
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No. 1
All is Grace by Brennan Manning
No. 2
The Harvester by Gene Stratton Porter
No. 3
Church Refugees by Josh Packard and Ashleigh Hope
No. 4
A Hidden Wholeness by Parker Palmer
NO. 5
Divine Disruption by the Evans Family
No. 6
Home By Another Way by Barbara Brown Taylor
No. 7
Digital Minimalism by Cal Newport
No. 8
The Soul of Shame by Curt Thompson
No. 9
The Incredible Winston Browne by Sean Dietrich
No. 10
Fighting Words by Ellie Holcomb
Once Upon a Wardrobe by Patti Callahan
I’d love to hear what is on your reading list for 2022!
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