The rustling of wrapping paper and the sharp sound of Scotch tape tearing greeted me as I stepped through the basement door. I inhaled the scent of sugar cookies, my Grandma’s classic treat. No one made them like she did. Her basement was a busy bustle as aunts and cousins gathered to lend a hand with alllll the gift wrapping.
It was bright and happy and the atmosphere bounced with goodwill and cheer.
Each year I looked forward to helping my Grandma wrap gifts for cousins, aunts, and uncles. With six children and twenty-odd grandchildren {only a couple of us were really all too odd 😉 } it added up to a pile of gifts, rolls of wrapping paper, and yards of tape!

It was a festive affair. I anticipated our Christmas gathering at my Grandmother’s every single year. She liked to give us each gifts every Christmas, and in the process she created wonderful-fantastical memories for us.
She’d ask for our Christmas lists, and we knew we’d find some of our hoped-for items wrapped up and neatly placed inside our Christmas bag. With the help of our mothers, they’d stitched large bags out of Christmas-print material and attached a tag with each grandchild’s name, stitched in loopy embroidery by my Grandma’s Bernina, to the front. Our mothers pitched in to help her shop and find the items from our penciled lists.
Growing up with this heritage, I still love Christmas, gifts, and giving. It’s such a fitting way to celebrate the greatest Gift ever to come to earth as a baby in the manger.

Reminiscing about gifts brings me to our post for today! We have a gorgeous gift set from JORD on ADG to begin our week. It’s the Cora Polaris watch and Holly sunglasses in rose gold. I’m such a fan of rose gold and blush pink, so it’s no stretch of the imagination to picture my delight with receiving this set to photograph and share with you all.
JORD is gifting us with a giveaway for a giftset just like this! Enter for a chance to win it for yourself or to gift to someone you love.
There’s more. Not only am I sharing a slew of photos with you of this lovely JORD giftset, but I also have a list of a variety of other great gifts JORD offers.
AND……..I’m sharing a list of other favorite items and shops. So, settle in! Roll up a chair. Grab a cushion. Curl up on your couch! FIND A SPOT. ‘Cause this is going to be fun! Hooray! I’m so glad you’re here to share this with me.
We have twelve shops/brands to browse! Double Hooray! One for each of the twelve days of Christmas.
I admit we’ve had several days of gray and chill and damp and it put me in a Christmas mood.

Closeup of the detail along the temple of the Holly sunglasses. You know I like the details! 🙂

Hop over here and enjoy browsing the selection of watches AND enter the giveaway if you haven’t.

You can see photos of the Frankie watch in this post from the JORD giveaway we partnered with last year. 🙂 The photo above is my Frankie watch and the Cora watch together.

{For a fun Cupcake Moscato and Cupcake Pairing Gift idea, come read this post.}
NOW. ADG friends and comrades! After you’ve entered the giveaway for the JORD gift set, refresh your beverage of choice and come back for a fun variety of other favorites of mine.
{Bonus points if you tell me what your beverage of choice is! 😉 I really do enjoy hearing trivia like this and I also love a delicious drink.}
As they are favorites, of course, I believe them to be great for gifting! 🙂 From stockings to gift stacks, you’ll find a delightful variety.
No. 1 ~
This gift set by JORD, is grand {grande} particularly for the coffee lover in your life. Go peek at the Barista Set right here.
Here are the links for each specific category JORD has available. Browse your favorites and find what fits each person on your shopping list. 🙂
- Handbags {I love the Nina}
- Bands for Apple Watches
- Sunglasses
- Watches….of course!
No. 2 ~
I adore the stickers in this shop………and the delightful fact that they are my niece’s original artwork! Tuck them into a stocking, place them inside a Christmas card, tie them on top of a gift, or stick them on the gift package.
You’ll find single stickers like the fiddleleaf fig pictured below. There are a monstera and a cactus, along with a rubber plant.
Then you’ll find sheets of fall stickers and the Little Things collection.
In the past, there have been wildflowers and a sushi sheet. Succulents and a sandwich sticker sheet.
It’s absolutely so much fun to see each creation.

No. 3 ~
Beautiful and practical. These pencils are super. Buy them for the reader and writer in your life!
No. 4 ~
Christmas Ornaments from The Mossy Tumbleweed
A fan of unique? You’ll find one-of-a-kind macrame ornaments in this shop. I’m so pleased to tell you this shop’s entrepreneur is also my niece! She’s my eldest niece and I adore her creativity with yarn and clay, wool and crystals.

No. 5 ~
Lilla Rose
Ah, yes. Practical and pretty. That’s the why behind my love for Lilla Rose. I’m a stylist with LR and a huge fan of beautiful hair accessories I can operate with ease and comfort.
Not to mention, so many styles. Flowers, toucan, giraffe, arrow, metals, birds, charms, mushroom, sloth, and sports….to name a few!

No. 6 ~
Bracelet Stacks from Livvie + Hazel
Livvie + Hazel is owned and operated by my friend in western Kansas. I love her jewelry and I especially love this Blue Skies Gemstone Bracelet Stack.
Sign up for her newsletter and keep an eye out. She runs sales very often!

No. 7 ~
Lange Hair Styling Tools and Hair Care
These hair styling tools found a home in my cupboard and drawers about a year and a half ago.
The blush pink made me incredibly happy, but these are great styling tools. The hairdryer and the brushes are my especial favorites. The Siena Flexi vented brush is fantastic for combing out wet hair. It would be a fabulous find to pull out of a stocking for any fashionistas or any girlfriend’s hair. 🙂 I currently have my eye on the Carbon Fiber Comb.
Besides looking pretty, the hairdryer has power and dries with efficiency and ease. Plus, it makes me happy every time I pull it out and plug it in.

No. 8 ~

Grace Flame Candle Subscription
Do you have a friend or a mother or a brother who enjoys burning candles? Sign them up for this candle subscription. They’ll receive a candle each month, plus you’ll be giving in two ways. For at Grace Flame, *100% — every penny — of your subscription is giving grace back to those in need. The candles are hand-poured by refugees and each subscription gives them a sustainable way to make a living.

No. 9 ~
Cheryl’s Cookies
Love cookies? have far away friends? Send a box of cookies {and love} their way! This is a super fun and yummy company. They offer a large selection of flavors, as well as boxes, tins, and gift options. Most everyone will be delighted to find a box of cookies on their doorstep.
No. 10 ~
Another fantastic shop with special meaning for me! My sister offers a beautiful variety of pillows and handcrafted decor to create happy, cozy home. The Home pillow pictured is extra special. The art was drawn by my niece and then made into a stencil for the pillows. Love it! My pillow like this is happily perched by our piano at the moment.

No. 11 ~
Half Baked Harvest is a lovely account I follow on IG. The photos are beautiful and the food looks and sounds delicious. Both of her cookbooks are lovely, like the account. They make beautiful gifts.
Visit Half Baked Harvest’s website right here.

No. 12 ~
Rifle Paper Co Tackle Box and Sticky Note Folio
I’m such a fan of pretty sticky notes, pens, pencils, and all manner of fun desk items and stationery. Currently, I’m crushing on this boxed set and sticky note portfolio. Beautiful gift items for friends who love florals and paper items.

I’d love to hear your favorite items to gift right now or even a favorite go-to gift you have purchased and given often! Have a lovely week!
Enter the Giveaway for a JORD Giftset right over here!