A friend gifted me with this journal last week. She said she’d found it a good while back and picked it up thinking it looked like me. Isn’t it fun? So bright and cheery and the cookies look so good, it makes you want to pluck them out of the picture. 🙂 Especially early in the morning with a cup of coffee or cappucino!
Spiral bound journals are one of my favorite types. I like the ability to open the front cover and turn it around behind.
My friend and I crafted pumpkins from old sweaters. Here’s one of mine. I used one of my knitted leaves from last year on it. They were fun to make and quite simple.
I’m still reading If and the little devotional Do You Know You’re Already Amazing, along with the Parenting book by Paul David Tripp. {We have a giveaway starting tomorrow for a copy of this Parenting book.}
{And go here for our happening-right-now giveaway for Flash the Donkey.}{ I love Flash!}
I’ve been camped out in the book of 2 Timothy for over two months now. I started reading it over with my Scripture cards before I started the Entrusted study. I’ve really enjoyed it reading and re-reading it and taking time to spend focused time on these few chapters. It helps me notice details that are otherwise easy to skip over.
My knits! And I keep wanting to pick up my cross stitch, but apparently not badly enough. It takes some close attention, and I guess I think everything must be just right to work on it! Either I don’t feel like thinking quite that hard or I don’t think I have enough time or something else wins out. Every time I do pick it up, I very much enjoy watching the picture start to take shape.
A few years ago, my daughter really enjoyed this set of books.
Summer with the Moodys……………….and all the other seasons, too!
The week has seemed a bit crazy already. I had some blog issues I had to work on and of course, I didn’t have that planned in. 🙂 And of course, anything that requires opening a laptop lid equates to time!
The comments on my blog were doing wacky things and giving internal error messages. Not the end of the world, but not really what a blogger wants her blog comments to act like. I had a plugin causing the problem. It’s fixed for now. Now to decide if I need this plugin or if there is one to replace it.
I signed up recently as an affiliate for Kristen Schmucker. I love her products. Go here to see her lovely mugs. She has beautiful journals and Bible study tools.
And these dress up princess clothes are available over at Deborah & Co. Aren’t they cute? Clicking on the graphic will take you there.
Have a terrific Wednesday, friends!
Linking up with Ginny and Frontier Dreams ~

Oh did you like the Moody’s series? I was just looking at it for my children.
We did! They’re fun, homey stories. The family loves each other and enjoys each other. They home school and help others and come up with ideas like baking cookies and selling them. They have Family Fun nights on Friday nights and play games etc.