Shaunti Feldhaun’s newest book The Kindness Challenge has been laying on my to-read stack for a little while. I pulled it out this past week.
I’ve wanted to read it ever since I got it. I just haven’t.
Maybe because part of me wants very much to be kind, to live kindness, to grow in kindness. Another part of me knows how much I fail at it, like, a LOT of the time and so maybe I don’t want to read it because I don’t like to mess up.
Isn’t that pathetic?!!! {sigh} It is pathetic, but it’s real. It’s how I feel.
I finished another of the Yada Yada Prayer Group books. I love the diversity of people and women in the group. They’re very real and deal with real life and hard stuff.
Pink!!!! One dishcloth finished….another begun!
Another project! I printed out this printable from Craftberry Bush and detailed it and hung it up in my laundry room.
Here’s another one I started detailing. I’m not sure if I’m going to leave it or do something else with it.
I’ve been totally enjoying these fresh flowers on my table. A sweet friend gave them to us.
We went garage saleing last Friday and I found a few old children’s books. I love vintage children’s books.
The Little Seeds That Grew was one of them and it gets to be our KID PICK this week. 🙂
Aren’t the pictures adorable? I think so.
And with Mother’s Day coming up, this picture looked like a great fit for this week.
I also snagged these three books at garage sales. Yay! Happy!
Outlive Your Life and The Walk were both favorite reads. I’ve not read Simple Secrets of a Great Marriage, but I like the authors, Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend. They wrote Boundaries.
I keep liking my She Reads Truth Bible better every time I use it. The giveaway for one is still open if you haven’t entered ~ go here!
They’re having a BIG sale over at The Daily Grace Co! 30% off everything! This doesn’t happen very often. I love my highlighters and pens from them. I have the Seek prayer journal like the one pictured above and I really, really like it too. It’s been a good fit for me. The format and way it is laid out are really nice. You can shop here.
Black and White Stripes love! You can pre-order the Purposeful Planner now!!! Two new covers too! I shared them last week. Use code PREORDER to receive 10% off of your $50 order. ~ ……….

I love knitting dishcloths and washcloths, so quick and easy and lovely patterns to think about whilst getting on with a bigger project such as a blanket.
I’ve taken a look at the bible competition, thank you. Sorry but I’ve put in 2 comments – please ignore 1. I hadn’t realised it’d gone through.
Have a good week, Cathy x
Dishcloths are quick and easy!
It’s not a big deal about the double comments. My website doesn’t always show the comments right away, so it looks like it didn’t go through. Sorry about that!