Book List for the week!
Because of Bethlehem by Max Lucado
Technically, a Christmas book, but I just started it and I love it. {It goes with my Christmas wreath that is still on my front door because the lock is broken and the door won’t open. So, it’s all good! 😉 } Max Lucado’s words always encourage me and draw me. I enjoy the stories he uses in his books and the humor he adds.
I started The Broken Way study. I appreciate a quote from Ann’s daughter in this book. Her daughter Shalom has made a paper heart. Then it tears. Rather than getting upset about the torn heart she says, “Maybe the love gets in easier right where the heart’s broke open.”
I liked this thought because, for me, it represented sympathy for broken places and for suffering.
I’m also working on All Things New by Kelly Minter. It’s a study on 2 Corinthians. Her studies always encourage me! She injects humor and shares stories from real life along with digging into Scripture.
I’m having a little epiphany to myself recently. One of the common threads connecting my favorite authors and books are their use of real-life, good stories, humor and positive encouragement.
A friend texted me that she’d ordered this book, Overwhelmed.
Then the next week another friend shared a Focus on the Family podcast link with me that was featuring these authors discussing this book. I really enjoyed the podcast and ordered the book.
I’ve only just started it, but I like it! Who of us haven’t felt overwhelmed or wrung out at times? I know in the last couple years as I dealt with physical pain, things that normally wouldn’t have felt like too big of a deal, totally and completely overwhelmed me. Thing is, I didn’t always realize it, while I was right in the midst of it. I can see it much clearer as I look back.
I finished Chasing Slow. It was a very good story.
My life is vastly different from the author’s, but I could relate to the same emotions and feelings she talks about.
I rarely find myself completely agreeing with everything in a book or always looking at life through the same lenses, yet I enjoy learning from the experiences of others.
I have a KID PICK this week. Who knows? I may have already featured it, because this is a favorite book of mine! If I did, I can’t remember, so chances are you won’t either! 🙂
Stories where the poor or downtrodden are rescued always hold a special draw for me.
Maybe because that is the whole sum of the redemption of Jesus.
He rescues us.
On my needles ~
This peacock blue turning into a dishcloth!
And the fingerless mitt still slowly taking shape. I’m hope, hoping to carve out a couple of hours and focus only on it. I’ve been trying to catch up on some other things, running some errands, doing some unexpected things that cropped up and making Valentine Prize Ribbons.
Fun view of my heart pennant banner that my friend made and gifted me with back at Thanksgiving time!
What are you reading right now???? Come back tomorrow………..we have a fun giveaway coming up………it’s for Rose City Chocolate Tea from the Winterwoods Tea Company. Something to sip while you read or knit!
Linking up with Ginny and Frontier Dreams ~

you are always reading things i am either currently reading or planning to read! great minds, as they say.. 🙂
Oh, how fun! Definitely great minds! 😉
Are those the Lambing Mitts? They look great.
I agree with you about books. It is good to read a different perspective, even if it doesn’t convince me to change my mind. I like to understand how others think.
Yes, I think the pattern technically calls them Lambing Mitts. Thank-you for your kind compliment. They were fun!
I like to see other parts of the world and find adventures I’ll probably never take, inside the cover of a book!