{affiliate links included} Linking up with Ginny and Frontier Dreams and Decor to Adore. I snapped some pictures just-around-the-house again for this week’s Yarn Along. I finished this Bible study book this week. Faithful, Abundant, True. I started it back in September and worked slowly along! It’s a six-week study. Kay Arthur teaches the first two…
Category: That Kitty
Monday Morning Musings
That Kitty hadn’t shown up for a post for a while and he was shyly wondering if he could again this week. Of course, I said “Yes.” What a week it’s been! Good in a lot of ways. Bunches and bunches of reasons for gratitude. A week ago today, I was busily working to…
Memoir Monday {No. 95}
Another week! I found these bamboo clothespins at World Market. I’m excited to give them a try. Most likely not until next spring, though we do keep having really, really pretty days. We made cornmeal rolls in the shape of acorns and leaves. They turned a little wonky when they raised, but were fun just…
Memoir Monday {No. 94}
Morty and That Kitty….snuggle bug friends! THIS POOR CHILD!!!!!!!!! Someone please get her a flexi, PRONTO!!!!!!! HELP HER!!!!! 🙂 I laughed so hard when I walked in the kitchen and saw this. Then I picked up my camera. Then I shared the picture with my Lilla Rose group. Who knew?!!! You don’t need flexis, a…
Memoir Monday {No. 92}
We had a lot of gorgeous weather this week and I’ve just been drinking it in. For starters, there wasn’t much wind. LOVE THAT!! We built a campfire one evening. It was just plain lovely. Chilly enough that the heat from the flames felt good, but not so cold that you wanted to huddle as…