Renae and I went to a craft class at our local library and made these little chalkboards. It was fun and we were both excited with our chalkboards. It was fun to see all the variety in the class.
Combine, combine, there’s our combine….
My poor man has spent an awful lot of time on his knees underneath this machine lately. Getting ready for harvest!
Tea Syrup and Bran Muffins
Action shot…he was performing stunts for us.
Loved this book display in my girl’s room!
Here’s her super-cute chalkboard!
THAT Kitty again! He was really prowling around this week.
A surprise package in my mailbox on Saturday contained this mug! It totally made my week. So much fun! Still laughing every time I look at it.
Giveaway over here for a copy of Love the Home You Have, in case you’ve missed it and haven’t entered yet.
And did you catch our Farmhouse Tour last week?
I was out for a morning walk on Monday and there happened to be, not just one, but TWO garter snakes who decided to go out for a slither across MY dirt road in the same frame of time in which I was walking. Their thoughtfulness was not appreciated.
I came across a new blog to me, Small Things, and totally loved her bio under her picture on her blog’s home page. Here’s part of it and I totally love and agree with it!
“My life isn’t necessarily that pretty in the day to day, it’s actually quite messy. I just like to take pretty pictures of it. While I will sometimes share my own faults and bad days here, I won’t share my kids’.”
Go browse around. She likes to knit, which also caught my attention. Not that I’m such a profuse knitter, but I do like to knit dishcloths and Renae likes to knit and crochet.
We grocery shopped and we made fruit cups. A harvest staple! And we worked on some other food thinking about harvest approaching. June is always rather of a fix-food month. We made Monster Cookies, too. My cousin and her family are coming to visit next week, so thinking about some prep and house cleaning for their arrival.
I also got some more strawberry jam made and in the freezer!
Renae attended a youth group gathering and helped plan a mystery supper. I met a friend for supper while she was at youth group.
We attended the mystery supper and it was lots of fun!
This was the menu….
1. Turtle = Taco
2. Sweet Feed = Rice
3. Splat = Beans
4. Tar on a Sponge = Cake
5. Grounded Clouds = Water
6. Trident = Fork
7. Pants = Napkin
8. Rainbows = Salad
9. Ground Cover = lettuce & tomatoes
10. Paste = guacamole
11. Straws = cheese
12. Bubbles = pop
13. Roly-poly = olives & onions
14. Crop = corn
15. Head Rest = sopapillas
16. The Red Sea = salsa
Renae also took her driving test and is now a driver with a farm permit!!! Woo-hoo! We got an inch of rain Thursday night, so her dear dad took her to town for the test. I was so thankful and happy that he was able to take her. Dads are just better at that kind of thing. At least in this Mom’s opinion! They did some driving around and went out for lunch and ran some farm errands in town. Renae also won the drawing at our local library this week. R&T signed up for the summer reading program and you get to enter your name in the drawing for every chart you complete. She won a Sonic giftcard, so they picked that up. Hooray! They finished off their day out and about with ice cream. Super fun!
My mother-in-law’s birthday gift arrived. We’re rather late celebrating. We were gone over her birthday and it was right after M’s dad had surgery. Hopefully, we can at least go out for lunch some day or take a little time to celebrate a bit.
Matthew spent time at his parents helping out with and checking their water well for them. Thinking the pump is bad and hopefully will soon be all fixed up for them.
A friend and her baby stopped by for a bit.
We worked on a Lego town and swam and played outside in the summer evenings.
We mowed.
We have more rain forecasted, so we SHALL SEE. Kinda ready to get this show on the road or rather, combines in the field, but it all depends on the weather and the grain moisture was still too wet anyway.
Soon, though. Soon!!!
Psalm 118:5-6
Pushed to the wall, I called to God; From the wide open spaces, He answered. God’s now at my side. I am not afraid. Who would dare lay a hand on me? God’s my strong champion. I flick off enemies like flies. Far better to take refuge in God than trust in people.
1 Corinthians 15:7
Then He appeared to James, then to all the apostles, and last of all He appeared to me also, as to one abnormally born.