Handpies. Isn’t the name itself enchanting? Because who doesn’t want pie you can hold in your hand?! Well, unless, of course, you don’t care for pie……..then, well, then you’re probably not even reading this post. Because it stands to reason, if you don’t like pie, most likely you aren’t doing long Google searches for pie,…
Category: Favorites
Some of my favorites..
Ten Of My Favorite Candy Bars
I love all the little fun things life has to offer and for this Tuesday in August, I’m thinking about candy bars! Do you have a favorite candy bar???? I don’t know if I have ONE absolute favorite when it comes to candy bars. I have several I really love, but it can depend…
Ten Takes on Book Suggestions for Readers
July has crept into August. Locusts hum outside and the hot hay-aroma of freshly mown grass hangs in the late afternoon air. I’m never quite ready to see summer slip silently towards autumn. And before it does, let’s sneak in a few more days of water splashing and hammock-laying and lazy afternoons of reading….
One Favorite Color
I love color. God could have given us a world of black and white, but He didn’t. He spoke it into existence and He splashed it brilliantly and vibrantly with a rainbow of colors and hues upon hues. Isn’t it incredible?! Yes, I love most any and all colors. There are a few I wouldn’t…
Celebrating with a Rise and Shine and Give God the Glory Giveaway
It’s our last giveaway for July and it’s a very, very fun and happy one! Sew a Fine Seam is joining us today and giving away this pillow! Thank-you, thank-you Jill! Yay! {To new friends around here who may not know, Jill is my sister and she makes handcrafted and stitched pillows! She’s shared some…