The second week of Advent is upon us. Sunshine beams happy out my window this afternoon. I listened to Annie F. Downs’ Advent podcast on my way to Bible study this morning. This second week focuses on peace and last week’s centers on hope. Thought-provoking and beautiful. Let’s look inside the Explorer Bible for kids!It…
Category: Blog Giveaways
The Abide Bible
Oh, friends! I’m so delighted to bring you this beautiful Bible! The Abide Bible is lovely inside and out.Of course, we know the Word of God is lovely in itself alone.But I, for one, am grateful for all the Bibles and features available to us.We live in an amazing time!I have friends, real-life friends, I’ve…
November and Gratitude and A Bible, A Book, and A Study Guide Giveaway
“Gratitude is at the center of a life of faith. It sounds too simple to be true, but isn’t that the sign of all deep truth: so simple we’re tempted to dismiss it, and so hard, it is exactly what God uses to change our hard lives.” ~ Ann Voskamp Comrades! November is gracing our…
The Good and Beautiful Bookset Giveaway
Is it fall where you are? It is decidedly NOT here in Kansas. Teehee. Our thermometers keep climbing to the high nineties and the rain continues to refuse our hearty invitations!We did have one weekend of lovely weather and cooler temps.We built a fire in the Solo stove and basked in savoring it. TODAY!!! A…
Ann Voskamp Bookset Giveaway {Reading for Your Summer}
{affliate links in this post, friends. thank-you!} Comrades ~ it’s a bookstack day!Kansas is showing off a perfect summer day today.Blue, blue skies, white puffy clouds. 103 degrees.Combines gobbling the wheat as harvest rolls along. It’s lemonade in sweating glasses.It’s float in the pool.It’s grab a book and head for the hammock in the evening…