A fresh new week! AND……….a week of thankfulness! Every day is a good day for gratitude and some days require more than others, I dare say! 🙂
The week of Thanksgiving is always a fresh reminder to me to be intentionally grateful in my life.
It’s overused I’m sure……. {and there are situations when this reminder isn’t helpful at a particular time} …………..but there really is always, always something to be grateful for!
We see the reminders in the words of Tiny Tim declaring “God Bless Us, Every One!”
We see it when Anne murmurs, “I’m so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers.”
It glimmers in this C.S. Lewis quote, “Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another: “What! You too? I thought I was the only one.”
I even notice it in the quote I have in my blog footer from William Morris ~ “The true secret of happiness lies in taking a genuine interest in all the details of daily life.”
All have a cord of deliberate gratefulness running through them. A positivity about the goodness contained in life and gifted to us from God.
I’ve recently needed a gratitude reset thanks to a variety of irritations. Ha!
From a leaking dishwasher to a crashing computer….. then special-order boots delivered in the wrong size….. my favorite Birkenstocks breaking while the wind blows our wheat fields silly….. to complete and total burnout in meal prep {this happens to me quite periodically}…. and unanswered aches and pains…bad news delivered to a friend….tractor trouble again….
YET….there’s also been the new Christmas music cd and a complete surprise over-the-top gift from a friend….fresh flower bouquets and chocolate….pear cider and movies on these long winter evenings….food in the fridge and new books arriving in an Amazon box…..Christmas gifts to wrap and nieces to hug….cuddly pajama pants and my kids playing violin and guitar…………
PLUS, Thanksgiving coming which means…..PIE. Pie is always a good thing! 🙂

AND………always, always grateful for God’s Word. It is living and active in the every day of my every day.
God’s Word gives us laments for the hard times and the pain, while also it giving us so many reminders of gratitude and praise! The Psalms sing prayers and praise again and again. Philippians encourages us twice to “Rejoice in the Lord always! I say again, Rejoice!”
This Thanksgiving week I’m delighted to share the Fresh Start Bible with you. You can enter a giveaway for a copy, comrade friends, at the bottom of this post!

Take a look inside!

A unique feature of this Bible is the Fresh Start Journey at the very beginning of this Bible. It contains 52 questions accompanied by answers and Bible references.

The Fresh Start Bible is written in the New Living Translation.
Features of the Bible……
I like the names given to the different categories. There are Intersections, Road Signs, Worship Way, and Freedom Path!
The Bible includes practical teachings, insights, further study, questions and answers, and maps.
Fresh Start Journey: 52 important questions about the foundations of faith
Intersections: 59 key Bible characters and events
Road Signs: Practical teachings that illuminate Scripture and inspire spiritual growth
Worship Way: Discusses the What, Whom, Why, and How of worship
Freedom Path: Explores the spiritual freedom available to every believer
Bible Reading Breakthrough: Explains the importance of reading God’s Word every day
Leader Guide for Small Groups
Bible Book Introductions
Cultural and Historical Articles
Topical Scripture Lists
Charts, Tables, and 18 Full-Color Maps
Presentation Page
Jesus’ Words in Blue

A peek at a couple of the practical teachings from the Road Signs category!

At the very end of the Bible, we find an Intersections section. These essays focus on certain Bible characters and teach about God’s faithfulness and His relationship throughout history, with the men and women He created and loves.

I received a softcover Bible and have one to give away as well! Yay!
In practical features, this Bible lays open flat. I found it easy to handle and page through. It’s flexible and feels good to hold. It’s lightweight for its size. There are a few pages for Notes tucked in the back prior to the maps.
It would be an easy Bible to stick in a bag or backpack to carry along with you.

Here’s a video showcasing The Fresh Start Bible!
Friends! Enter the giveaway below and have a fantastic week filled to the brim with thanksgiving! {And Pie.} 😉
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Such a sweet reminder that yes indeed-there is ALWAYS something to be thankful for. I’m thankful for you reminding me of that!! Happy Thanksgiving!
Thank-you for your kind words, Debbie! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!!!
I am grateful for my family, my friends, and my health. Happy Thanksgiving!
Deborah, Thank you for sharing a piece of your world. I would love to live in, and work where you see God’s work all around you. Kansas, the farm, and the simple basic life qualities that you share with us, gives a reminder of life that we all need to appreciate. The farm gives us the reminder of God. The farm gives us the sight of what is real and important in today’s world. I do not live on a farm in Kansas, but I can see and feel the presence of blessings sent from God on a farm in Kansas, that you share through your online letters with others that do not have that lifestyle. I appreciate you sharing your world with us, as it gives us a reminder that we all need to see and feel the presence of God around us. We need more Kansas in our world. Thank you for sharing. Be sure to post your pie recipe, of your favorite Thanksgiving pie.