I’m so happy about this giveaway! I really, really loved working through the first studybook in this series back last year. It is called True Woman 101 Divine Designand you can hop over here to find out more information about it and find the weekly videos online.
I knew they were working on another study and was excited to find out it was releasing this year in April. I knew I definitely wanted to work through the second study, so I pre-ordered it. Then I had the opportunity to sign up and be on the launch team for TrueWoman 201.
As part of the launch team, Moody Publishers sent me a copy of True Woman 201. Therefore, I ended up with an extra copy. Both of these studies are something I would enjoy giving away here at A Delightful Glow, so I instantly knew what I wanted to do with my extra book!
That finds us giving away one copy of True Woman 201 Interior Design!
You can enter below using the Rafflecopter. Even if you don’t use social media, simply sign in and do the first entry. All you have to do is click to the enter to be entered!
And spread the word to any women in your life that would enjoy this workbook study and want to enter to win.
If you didn’t see my previous posts about the True Woman 201 study, find them here and here. There are some really pretty graphics and quotes from the study. Warning though~you may want to ignore them if you don’t like to have your toes stepped on! Mine certainly got bruised simply from the quotes!
Have you done the True Woman 101 study?
It isn’t necessary to do True Woman 101 first, but the two are designed to go together and I loved True Woman 101 and would greatly encourage you to go through it if you haven’t.

I’d love to study the book of Ruth.
Kelly Minter has a good study on Ruth that I did a few years ago and really, really enjoyed. Here’s a link to her site and I think it is also available on Amazon. https://kellyminter.com/store/ruth-loss-love-and-legacy-member-book/
Looks like a great study!
I love studying the Spiritual Gifts!
I enjoyed a Beth Moore bible study recently!
I enjoyed A Woman After God’s Own Heart book and bible study! Right now I’m currently studying The Excellent Wife.
I love the Psalms. So poetic and meaningful
I like the Beth Moore studies. Thank you for the giveaway! 🙂
Yes, Beth’s are some of my favorites too!
I have never really done a Bible study as an adult, we did them in youth group and I would love to!
I enjoyed Breathe by Priscilla Shirer. It was a wonderful Bible Study that really opened my eyes and my heart.
I am excitied about this giveaway! I want to read the full bible!
My kids are doing Great Adventure and I like that one.