This is my $2 garage sale candle! I’m still happy, happy with this find.
Beauty has been much on my mind and what a gift it is and how there is a lot of ugly in this world and sin marred it so, and each bit of beauty is something to be so thankful for. There is beauty in the intricacies of a blade of grass. Somehow my heart keeps reminding me to be grateful for every good and beautiful and peaceful day.
I hate the bad days. Yet, they remind me to become even more aware of the good.
I believe Satan wants to ruin our good days and steal our joy with every chance he can get. In every way he can. He will use any tactic, stoop to anything, blindside us from out of nowhere.
It is ugly. It is evil. It is mean. And he relishes in it.
I can not wait until he is defeated forever.
And my heart just falls more in love with my God, who loves beauty and hates evil, Who forgives, repairs brokenness and brings comfort, Who blesses.
Sticker love!
Some of my favorites from the old Christmas ornaments I found at an estate sale last weekend.
Friends & Fun!
And they shopped the same place without any planning ~ Old Navy t-shirts…same style, different colors!
Snapple and jars and springtime and straws…
There’s THAT KITTY! He does so much like to curl up in the pillows on my bed!
This glass stemware came home with me from another estate sale. It was begging to have chocolate pudding put in it. I love, love glassware! There’s that beauty factor again.
Speaking of beauty the May 2015 flexi arrived early! Hop over here to see it.
Rock added to the front since the sidewalk is in!
We planted garden! We had absolutely beautiful weather a couple of evenings and it was lovely to work outside at a few outside jobs. {Well now, generally you wouldn’t work INSIDE on OUTSIDE jobs, would you?}
Fun gift from a friend. This gift certainly had my name written all over it. {Who am I kidding? I love gifts. Unless it was, perhaps, a rubber snake, or a bag of charcoal briquets or canned spinach.} Beauty and Bright Colors. Lovely handsoap and fun kitchen stuff. I love both.
Fresh flower love….
Pillows by RJF.
Renae was hoping to find a jean jacket at garage sales and she did!!! We were thrilled!
Time to work on planter.
Spraying to do around farm. Still days and nice weather for this job! Yay!
Fertilizer to pick up.
Irrigation systems work and more work on fertilizer spreader.
Changing up some decor and grouping a bunch of items I love.
New tetherball on the farm!
True Woman 201 arrived! I was delighted to find it in my mailbox. Oh, to have the beautiful interior design straight from God, flowing in me daily.
The bright, happy colors caught my eye when I opened this drawer.
When it’s too nice to be inside, but you are hankering for a game of Chess, the trampoline becomes your table.
We walked and played and worked and hung laundry on the line and lit candles and friends came to stay and another day friends showed up with an afternoon snack and the kittens are growing and our Seton test stuff arrived and we put old pictures in books and we had chiro app and bookwork and cleaning and Bible study and the last Book-It pizza ever!!!! ~Tucker is too old next year, and Grandma coming by and blogging I’d like to get caught up on and some ups and downs and some things accomplished and laughing at old pictures………..
sad news of the passing of a lady from my Lovely Lilla Rose group~she was an encourager and I have some saved files and info on my computer shared by her~a unique feeling to mourn someone I’ve never met in person, yet touched my life and I will miss her,
Please say a prayer for Matthew’s parents. His dad is scheduled for surgery on his neck this week. We put them in God’s hands and pray for the surgeon and for healing and for comfort and peace and a quick recovery.

You really got some good stuff…I am looking forward to yard sale season again!
We were excited with our finds! We really didn’t go to all that many sales, so I thought we did really well with that factored in. We also found a few other clothing items and some notecards and some three ring binders and my daughter got some fabric/linens for her craft projects.