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Linking up with Ginny and Frontier Dreams.
My stuff for this week!
All in a pile. 🙂
Before I commence to yakking about yarn and books, I want to tell you we have an awesome-possum giveaway and giveaway hop that started yesterday if you haven’t seen it. Click over here! I’m very excited about it.
Kid Pick seems to be at the top in books!
I love Little Arch Books so much. Because Kid Books that rhyme are the best!
We have a small collection of Arch books.
I know. I keep talking about it. I really like it. Do you think it will have to show up for a book giveaway one of these months?? 🙂
Anyway, I wanted to tell you that Priscilla Shirer is hosting Fervent Fridays over here. Last week was the first one.
I checked this book out of our library a couple of weeks back.
Presence by Amy Cuddy. I like to check out Money Saving Mom’s book lists and she talked about this book recently. It’s a good read. It’s good encouragement and inspiration to learn who we are and embrace it and learn to step into bringing our best self to challenging situations and intimidating meetings and face them with confidence and learn to present our best relaxed self.
There are days I need this kind of encouragement in a continuous-play-reel in my head. I’m not even halfway through yet, but I’m definitely finding plenty to think about and learn. 🙂
Renae and I have been working on this Revelation study. We are nearing the end. We started it back last fall and have slowly worked along with stops and starts! Very fascinating, intriguing, mind-boggling, frightening and exciting.
I’m still reading Every Little Thing. I like and appreciate encouraging books so much. We all have voices and stories to share and inspire each other.
I have A Million Little Ways by Emily Freeman and I keep wanting to start it too. Have you read it?
Three dishcloths. My stack of aqua is growing! I still need to tuck in the ends on the last one I finished. I have aqua on my needles again, but I’m going to do a heart shape this time to change it up.
I really like using my heart-shaped dishcloth. You can see it in this post.
I started a scarf. I wasn’t really planning to, but I popped in over at Irisheyesknitters blog from a link on Yarn Along and loved the Leaf scarf she was working on. You can find the pattern on Ravelry here and it’s free!
I dug out needles and yarn and began!
I haven’t even begun my other baby sock, yet. I think I have Knitting ADD.
It’s really fun to watch the leaves emerge. Obviously, I must like knitted leaves. Over here are the leaves I knitted back last fall.
AND…………nothing to do with Yarn Along, but I’m very much enjoying this cheery flowerpot on my porch……………..
AND……..here’s where my farmer man has been spending a good bit of time in preparation for harvest!
One other yarn thing! A look at Renae’s weaving. Slow and steady!
Have a happy, happy Wednesday!

I love the colors of your yarn! And your reading list sounds great! I am going to check out the Jesus Washes Peter’s Feet because I like to check out good children’s literature! 🙂
Children’s books are one of my favorites. The little Arch books are a favorite because they teach Bible stories and they are written in rhyme. They’re thin books so you can store a stack of them pretty easily. Happy day!
Inspirational books, and knitting- 2 of my favorite things. It definitely looks like my ‘to read’ list will be growing g!
I’m so glad you came by! I’m always happy to have my to-read list grow. 🙂