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Linking up at Decor to Adore.
Do you want to make a wheat wreath?
You know you do! Or if it isn’t your thing, just enjoy scrolling through the photos anyway! 🙂
This is what you’re going to need to make a wheat wreath, give or take.
The VERY FIRST thing you’re going to need is a FRIEND!
And your friend needs to have a mama who is all kinds of crafty and creative. {As is your friend.}
THEN, you need to go to your friend’s house.
WHEN you are at your friend’s house, you will spy this gorgeously beautiful wreath of wheat on her kitchen table.
Since you love wheat, you will trip over your own feet in your haste to get a better look at this beautiful, gorgeous wheat wreath. You will ask your friend in three seconds flat where she got this wreath.
To which she will casually reply, “My mother made it. She went out and cut some wheat and shaped it together in a little.”
No problem, then.
I was so intrigued. It was so gorgeous. {Did I mention that?}
Now you may be thinking, like I was, that you aren’t in the same league as your friend and your friends’s mama when it comes to whipping out wheat wreaths.
That’s ok.
You can make one anyway.
That’s what I did.
I was so inspired and I wanted one for my coffeetable.
{Or if you don’t want to make one, this wheat sheaf is pretty gorgeous itself!}
So, you have your friend and your friend’s mama.
NOW, you need wheat.
Any wheat that you want to use will do.
Lucky me. I have a wheat field out my back door. {I’m really not trying to rub it in, if you don’t.}
IF you do have a wheat field, grab you some scissors and your best gardening gloves.
Get thyself out to the field.
Begin to cut some wheat.
Gather up your wheat in your arms and pretend you’re Ruth returning from gleaning. {It makes the wreath turn out better.} {If you’ve been recently reading Giddy-Up, Eunice and reading about Ruth, the whole gleaning thing will most likely pop in your head.}
Take some pictures of your wheat. You can skip this step, if you’re in a hurry to JUST GET ON WITH THE WREATH MAKING!
Then, if you’re a blogger, you can plan to take some pictures of the wreath assembling.
And if you don’t take any, that’s ok.
I didn’t either.
Thought I would.
BUT, I got all immersed in my crafting and the lighting wasn’t great and the setting for pictures wasn’t great and I wanted me a WREATH!!
YOU can just use iMaGiNaTioN!!!
I made bunches of the wheat and wrapped them with floral wire.
I had an inexpensive wire wreath frame.
I started placing my bunches of wheat on the form.
Once again, I used floral wire and attached them to the wreath form.
Around we went. Placing. Wiring.
{Want the pillow? You can order one from my sister at Sew a Fine Seam.}
Trotting back out to the field for some more wheat.
Redoing a couple of bunches that weren’t quite how and where I wanted.
After I had them all in place, I tweaked and fluffed it.
Then I stood back and admired it.
I was absolutely just-so-happy to put it on my coffee table!!!
It made me smile every time I spied it.
My best piece of advice if you decide to make one?
Straight from The Nester. “It doesn’t have to be perfect to be beautiful!”
Done and done!
Take a picture and text it to your friend and tell her to tell her mother “Thank-you! Thank-you!” for the grand and wonderful idea!
Finally, clap your hands in delight and do a little dance for joy!
Isn’t your Thursday all kinds of happy now? 🙂

This is such a lovely table decoration!
Thank-you! I have enjoyed it so much!
That’s beautiful! Wheat wreaths are really timeless through the seasons and years. Thank you for sharing this…I’m pinning.
Happy, happy Thoughts of Home.
Oh, thank-you so much! My wreath makes me smile. 🙂
Such a lovely color and it should dry beautifully! Thank you so very much for joining us at Thoughts of Home on Thursday. Have a wonderful holiday weekend.
Thank-you, Laura! I have enjoyed my wreath so much.
We’ve had a nice relaxing weekend as well!
What a fun craft to do right before wheat harvest! Thanks for sharing on the Country Fair Blog Party this month.
It was really fun and I’m still enjoying it! 🙂