Morty has something to show you.
It’s leaves!!! I’m so excited about them. I saw them on a couple of bloggers’ feeds on Instagram and I was intrigued. They are so cute and I thought they looked fun to try.
The pattern was on Ravelry. If you’re interested pop over there and search veined leaf or hop over here to this site for the directions.
Closer up look! They’re just so fun. I’ve been laying them out on the coffee table in a row and they add such a fun touch. I want to make several more. I also saw a couple of pictures where the leaves were attached to twine and hung in a window as an adorable garland!
Another new and exciting and brilliant idea around here!
My daughter started using a flexi to hold her knitting project together when she wasn’t working on it.
It is brilliant. BRILLIANT.
I started doing it too, and it is so handy! Plus, it looks pretty.
Take your empty needle and place it beside your needle holding your project. Pull your string of yarn down beside it, wrap project around both needles and secure flexi in place to hold it all together.
I love it!
When I want to knit, I can grab it and both needles are there together and good to go!
We’ve been using extra-small flexis, but for a bigger {and thicker} project we’d need to call on some of our bigger sized flexis!
This is Renae’s knitting. Doesn’t the feather flexi look so pretty with the yellow and so perfect for fall?
If you’d like to try a flexi for your knitting, pop over here to my Lilla Rose site and browse around!
Another yarny project!
Renae’s Grandma gave her a big bag of some yarn she’d had around her house for a long time. Renae decided she wanted to weave with some of it. So she used her curtain rod and an additional rod for the bottom and set up a makeshift loom.
She’s going to weave a blanket.
She has a little set of weaving tools from American Girl. She had Josefina and weaving is something Josefina does in her books. At that time you could order a weaving set for girls that came with a loom and warp. Renae had a lot of fun weaving with it.
The years have certainly skipped on.
BUT, she still likes weaving.
And now she has this project set up to work on for a while!!
I did run out of yarn for this dishcloth and finished it up with a little golden color. It makes a little, bright, happy spot!! And I’ve been using it. Hooray for a new dishcloth! It’s always fun when they’re brand-new. They’re bright and cushy.
Nurse Nancy joined us last week, so it only seems fitting for Doctor Dan to come by this week.
Once again, a favorite Little Golden Book!
Dan becomes Doctor Dan, The Bandage Man!! He goes around fixing everyone up with band-aids and bandages!! Even his sister’s doll gets one! Then his sister wants a bandage and she begins to look for a scratch. I love this line from the book, “Sure enough! She found one. It was a very tiny scratch, and rather old, but it was a scratch just the same.”
I love that line because it fits so well with lots of small kiddos. Something about getting a band-aid is just so fun! Especially now that band-aids come in fun designs and colors and not just in boring brown!!
I’m still clicking away with dishcloths. This pattern is so simple and doesn’t take a lot of thought or close attention to which row I’m on.
And another leaf started too!
Still reading much the same from my book stack!
Audacious has spoken to me so much.
Hoodwinked is such a great, great mama book.
Money Making Mom is great inspiration as well. I haven’t read as much in it since it is an e-book. I like the whole handiness part of e-books, but I still like “real” books. 🙂 Crystal is an encourager for women. This book is a good read, even if you don’t run a business or aren’t particularly wanting your own business. She has a lot of good thoughts and I always love her emphasis on cultivating giving.
What’s happening in your craft and reading world?
Linking up ~
Ginny and Frontier Dreams

The leaves turned out gorgeous!! LOVE. I really like that small pop of color on the dish cloth too. Really shines that way. That pattern for dish clothes is one of my favorites. How smart is your daughter to use her curtain rod! Ha I cannot wait to see what she makes! The flexis are so pretty 🙂
Thank-you! I’m so glad I saw your pictures of yours and thanks so much for sharing the pattern!!
I thoroughly enjoy seeing all my daughter’s creations. She’s been this way ever since she was small. She was always imagining or trying something.
We love our flexis! And I am just so thrilled at how handy they are for keeping knitting and needles all tidily together!
Love your leaves, they are a favorite to knit here too.
And what a super idea to hold your knitting, and so pretty.
I also love the makeshift weaving loom, what a super idea
and one I will be trying.
The leaves are so fun! I’ve knitted dishcloths for a long time, but I’m just venturing out in trying some new projects. Looking at all the fun ideas linked up at Yarn Along has inspired me!
I want to see your loom!!
Thanks for the leaves link, think I’ll make a few! Could do with some new dishcloths too!
They are so fun! I’ve loved making them.
We have a lot of fond memories of American Girl. The dolls are tucked away for her future daughters to play with one day. Those leaves are awesome. What great Autumn decorations!
There are lots of fond memories floating around here too, from days spent with AG dolls!! They are safely tucked away here too. 🙂
The leaves have been super fun to make!
I’ve had so much fun reading Nurse Nancy and Doctor Dan to my grandchildren. I really enjoy those old golden books.
I do too! The pictures are fun and the stories are too!
Wow what a lot of crafting inspiration. Those leaves are so pretty. Thank you for sharing the resource. So going to try them!
Do try them! They are fun to make!
I love those leaves thank you for the link I must make some. 🙂
I love them too!
Wow you guys have lots on the go! I love the leaves, may need to steal that idea 😉
I was so excited to try the leaves!
The leaves are lovely, I’m going to have to cast-on for some, along with my knitted pumpkins! Also, the window-loom is a fantastic idea!! Thanks for sharing.
My daughter is quite good at coming up with ingenuitive ideas. I always love seeing them.
The leaves are terrific fun!
Just stick a clothespin on your braid and save the flexis to hold your knitting together! Love it!! How ingenious to make your own loom for weaving. I would never have thought of that. (I never did any weaving at all!) Love the colorful pics. And those golden books are some of my favorites.
That’s right! 🙂 The flexis look so pretty on the knitting and they are super handy!
It’s so fun to re-visit old Little Golden favorites!