Do you find yourself reading more in the winter or in the summer or about the same?
Winter seems like a good book time of year. Long evenings. Cold temps. Perfect for cuddling up under a cozy blanket with a good book and a mug of coffee!
Summertime holds its own for book reading, too. Laying in the hammock lazily turning the pages of a story, with an icy lemonade nearby. Hot, hot weather making afternoon the perfect time to beat the heat by reading a chapter or two and grabbing a quick siesta.
I’ve been finding myself with extra reading time this last week. Now, I really wouldn’t have chosen to GET extra reading time in this particular way, but it’s a silver lining in a bad situation.
I TWiSTeD/SPRaiNeD my ankle and foot last Monday evening. I know. #soclosetoamazing
THUS. Bonus reading time.
I’ve been riding bikes with Renae some and decided I wanted a nice bike for my birthday. {I celebrated BIRTHDAY 39 last week!} I’d been thinking for a while that it would be fun to have a bike. I wanted one like Renae’s so the shopping part was fairly easy. The bike shop didn’t have one in stock, so I placed my order and last Monday we had a bit of a day out and picked up my bike. We arrived home and later in the evening, Renae and I jaunted off on a ride.
We’d reached the corner and stopped a bit, turned around and went to take off on the return trip home.
I honestly don’t know what I managed to do. {Will insert my lack of athletic ability and perchance to awkwardness} When I went to take off, SOMETHING wasn’t working and as I went to catch myself with my left foot, well, that didn’t work either and I ended up on the ground with a very twisted foot.
Renae says I was trying to take off in some soft sand. Who knows? I don’t. I mean, I believe her and everything. I just also know it doesn’t always take much to throw me off balance!!! 🙂
I just know as I was falling, I thought “Oh, good grief! I just wanted a bike for my birthday and here I’m going to end up with a broken ankle?!!!” #soclosetoamazing
Thankfully, I didn’t break it. At least I don’t think so. It has been swollen and painful and black-and-blue-bruised, but it’s slowly healing! Praise God!
AND as I said, look at the bonus pages I’ve turned and read! 🙂
I can say it’s been a perfect time for extra reading because this summer has found me pretty excited about several new books that have just released or will soon be releasing! I’ve so appreciated working as part of launch teams for several of them. It’s been fun to receive an advance copy or e-book. That’s what a lot of them on this list are, but there are a few exceptions.
I’ve also mentioned a few of these titles in my Pages and Projects Posts. I’m pulling them all together here in this post.
PLUS, sharing a bunch of pre-order bonuses. If you’ve pre-ordered any of these titles OR intend to, definitely snag the bonuses.
1. Church of the Small Things by Melanie Shankle
I loved reading this book. It makes me laugh and it makes me glad for the small and the daily and reminds me to clasp the moments close.
If you love easy-to-read with a large side of humor all mixed and held together by inspiration and lessons from life, you’ll like Melanie Shankle’s books and words.
The Church of the Small Things pre-orders are at last ready for you to grab! These fabulous goodies include:
My Favorite Things e-book by Melanie Shankle
Church of the Small Things Video Study Session 1
{I really love this video session.}
4 Downloadable Prints from cover artist, Heather Gauthier
Church of the Small Things lock screen
The First 3 chapters of Church of the Small Things to get started reading now
Coupon codes for great discounts on some of Melanie’s favorite things
5 family recipes from Melanie
If you have pre-ordered the book, go to and enter your information in the form to receive the bonuses!
2. So Close to Amazing by Karianne Wood
Absolute favorite. Right here. So Close to Amazing. Read it and you’ll find yourself using the #soclosetoamazing hashtag liberally and knowing you aren’t alone in these moments!!
The pre-order bonuses are LIVE for So Close to Amazing! Go over here to read about them and/or enter to claim them.
{And don’t forget! I’m going to be co-hosting a #SoClosetoAmazing link-up party in August!} {That would be this month as of ToDaY!!}
3. All in All Journaling Devotional
If you’re looking for a devotional for a teen girl or young woman in your life OR you are a young woman, I can’t recommend this book highly enough. I recommend it even if you aren’t “young”. 😉 I have thoroughly enjoyed it. IF you like writing and journaling, I recommend the “real” book over the e-book. At the end of each devotional day, there are a few questions and space to write verses or do some sort of doodling.
Today is the release date for All in All!! Woot! Woot! You can hop over here to order.
4. The Secret of the Hidden Scrolls
This is a fun, new children’s series. If your kiddos like Adventures in Odyssey audios or books or have read The Magic Treehouse series, I think they’ll like these. It’s somewhat the same concept. The Hidden Scrolls take them to key moments in Biblical history AND contain a mystery to solve.
You’ll find the pre-order bonuses for this book right over here!
5. GraceLaced
This book is an absolute favorite. {Another one.} Filled with beauty and inspirational devotions and resting in God’s Word, it inspires me. It would make a beautiful gift!
Oh, and if you are a mom of all boys or close to a mom of all boys, Ruth Chou Simons can relate to you. She is mother to six “mancubs” as she calls them! 🙂 You’ll find her blog here!
If you’re looking for the pre-order bonuses for GraceLaced, go right over here.
There are three different levels of pre-order bonuses for GraceLaced.
Purchase 1 book and get a free printable ~
Purchase 4 books Receive a FREE printable & tote ~
Purchase 8 books and receive a FREE printable, tote, and one entry to win 1 of 5 spots to the Retreat Weekend with Ruth! (One entry per 8 books purchased.)
6. Come and Eat by Bri McKoy
A Celebration of Love and Grace Around the Everyday Table
This book reminds me of a little bit of a mix and dash of The Turquoise Table and Bread and Wine and Loving My Actual Life. Oh, it’s very much its own story and all that. If you were having a conversation with me and you said, “I really enjoyed reading Come and Eat. What other books would resonate with this same area of my life?” THEN, these three titles are books I would offer! 🙂
Another fun thing about this book are the chapter titles. They all end in table.
Here’s a few examples ~
A Place For Us At The Table
A Vision For The Table
Peace At The Table
Meekness At The Table
Questions At The Table
7. Steadfast Love by Lauren Chandler
My Focus Word for 2017 became Steadfast. {You can go read more about it here.}
I’ve focused on verses about staying and steadfastness for my SSMT 2017. Recently, I stumbled across this book and Bible study on Psalm 107. It digs into God’s steadfast love for me. For us. His people. This book and study have shown up in my life at just the right time. My focus has been much on wanting to grow in steadfastness in my Father. Abiding in Him. Clinging to Him. Living for Him. Yet, this aspect of the steadfast love He has for me, has blessed me and encouraged me in my faith and in His unfailing Word and Ways.
8. Love Lives Here by Maria Goff
This book is written in a friend-to-friend conversational style and I love learning from it. A couple of my take-aways so far ~ I like how Maria talks about the different personalities she and her husband have and how they’ve learned to embrace and appreciate their differences and complement each other and play off the strengths they bring together.
Another thing that resonated with me is when Maria talks about learning to find and listen to the voices of a few trusted friends, family and mentor figures. She notes that there are a lot of opinions and voices and it can become deafening and overwhelming. She found if she focused on the few that spoke into her life and meant much to her and her family values, it meant a million times more.
9. The Kindness Challenge by Shaunti Feldhaun
I highly recommend this book. It’s a challenge all right, but in a very good way! I need these prompts. Prompts to grow in kindness. Prompts to grow in gratitude. Reminders to never quit growing as long as I am breathing. Because sometimes when I fall, I don’t feel like getting back up. {I felt rather this way when I found myself on my face along the edge of our dirt road tangled up with bike and twisted ankle!!}
10. Anxious for Nothing by Max Lucado
Which leads me to this book! Isn’t this a good title?
This is the one book I actually haven’t read yet. Not a bit of it! I’m looking forward to its release in September. I plan to order it or put it on my Christmas list. OR check our library for it. I just thought of that. I’m quite certain they’ll probably have it on their shelves eventually.
This ankle thing really has felt discouraging to me for a myriad of reasons. It has made me feel anxious and upset. I feel like I’m never going to not have physical pain in my life. And you know what? Maybe I won’t . I still hope I will get to a place of pain-free. I’m hopeful to feel better in my forties than I have in my thirties. BUT, there are many people who live with chronic pain. AND if that is me, my God is still good and He is still faithful and He still sees me and I do not need to be anxious. I will keep remembering the goodness of my Lord in the land of the living and reminding myself and rehearsing His steadfast love.
I’m also taking this bum ankle thing as a sign to simply slow down. Without writing a whole ‘nother book about it, I’ll say that’s another silver-lining thing I pulled out from the bike incident!
Tell Me ~
What has encouraged YOU recently?
{If you read this whole post, you definitely earn a prize!! You should reward yourself by reading an extra chapter in your current book or finding some chocolate. Speaking of chocolate have you had the CoffeeNut M&M’s? I grabbed a couple of packages during harvest at good ole Wal-Mart, to take Mr. Matthew a snack in the field and we have fallen for them. Yummy!!}

Good Morning! I have been tremendously encouraged by the kindness of others this past week. Kindness shown by some precious ladies I’ve only met once yet have offered meals and love to my family while I recover from surgery. We moved to the southeast from the northeast this last year and are still figuring out our new life but one thing is for sure-when we love God we love others (whether we know them well or not). What an encouragement to see God’s command in action!! Have a blessed day, Deborah!
What a wonderful blessing for you! That’s awesome!
Praying healing and a quick recovery for you from your surgery. I know how slow surgery can make you feel!
Praying for your complete healing, dear friend. And sending you hug🤗
Thank-you ever so much! 🙂
What a nice collection of books. I can’t wait for your August linky party!
Thank you for visiting DTA and throwing your hat into the ring for the Haven swag bag giveaway.
I so appreciate your kind comments regarding my dresses.
Best of luck and have a lovely day!
The link party will be fun! Thanks for your sweet words to brighten my day! 🙂
Oh, what a list! I’m sorry to hear about your ankle, but I am grateful for this great list!
I just finished Church of the Small Things as well and thought it was great and light with hidden truths to uncover. Gracelaced looks like a beautiful gift and I can’t wait to check out The Secret of the Hidden Scrolls for the kids!
I think almost every book is ending up on my TBR list! Thank you! (I think 😉 )
You’re welcome! 😉 My to-read list consistently grows, I think. I’ve been seeing Chrystal Hurst’s brand-new book, She’s Still There and it’s definitely on my list.
The GraceLaced book is so beautiful and inspiring. I am all about beauty! 🙂
First, please know I’ll be praying for your ankle pain. Secondly, I have not tried the coffee nut M&M’s but will definitely tell my husband about them! I think he would love them. I enjoyed the book recommendations. I love books! I want to check out the Church of the Small Things and Gracelaced. I am a huge fan of Ruth’s illustrations and would love the opportunity to attend the retreat! Take care and stay off your ankle as much as possible!
Thank-you SO MUCH for the prayers for my ankle. It is slowly healing. I’m grateful.
The only place I’ve found the coffee M&M’s in our small hometown so far, is at Wal-Mart at the checkout counters in the small packages.
I love books too, and love reading other people’s book lists and recommendations. Have you read Melanie Shankle’s other books? She makes me laugh. {Sarcastic sense of humor that’s super fun.}
I love, love Ruth’s artwork. I have a few of her prints and they make me so happy!
Have a lovely last-bit-of-summer!
I have not read any of Melanie’s books but I plan to do so! I love the sarcastic humor! And, I’ll be on the look out for the M&M’s! Great connecting with you!
I hope you enjoy both! Books & M&M’s!! 🙂
Wow, this is an amazing list of recommendations! I’m most looking forward to the GraceLaced book, as I’m a huge fan of the prints and the blog. I’ll check into some of the other recommended reads too. Thanks for sharing!
Thanks for coming by! I love GraceLaced’s art. I have a few of her prints in my home and they make me so happy.
So enjoyed this great list of books! I already had a few, but now I have some newbies too! Looking forward to digging in these last few days of summer! Visiting from #CoffeeForYourHeart.
I always love reading other people’s book lists! A great way to find new books. 🙂 Have a lovely end-of-summer!