A quick catch up on books and such!
I did knit on a dishcloth again back before harvest.
Harvest rather pushes most everything to the back burner or other burners or wings it completely out the door! 🙂
Look at this book! Isn’t it beautiful? I have a few shots that show a quick look inside. I did a little video flip-through of it in my Instagram stories a week or so ago.
I do so love beautiful books with beautiful pictures and stories and inspiration to share.
The Turquoise Table is a movement to welcome in neighbors and friends in an easy down home way. Kristin Schell placed a picnic table in her front yard………and then painted it turquoise. She started spending and hour or so outside at her turquoise table here and there in an effort to get to know her neighbors.
She found she could easily chat with the neighbor who strolled by taking her dog for a walk. Kristin could quickly text a couple of nearby friends to come savor a cup of coffee with her at the table, knowing she could easily carry steaming mugs outside without the worry of corralling all the shoes in the front entryway or worrying about dishes piled up waiting to be washed.
The Turquoise Table is a fun read! It contains simple recipes at the end of each chapter. It shares stories from other women who were inspired by Kristin’s table and found their own versions of turquoise tables and their brand of welcoming others into their yards.
I thoroughly enjoyed reading it. There’s a lot of fun ideas for easy ways to connect with friends for an hour or two. If you live in a neighborhood where you’d like to have a way to connect or introduce yourself to your neighbors, I think you would love reading this story.
This stack of books have been my page turners. I’ve finished them all now except The Kindness Challenge.
I highly recommend The Kindness Challenge. But beware. {I think I said this in another post.} It will make you look closely at yourself and it will step on your toes. I warned you!!!!!
Look! Here’s my new Purposeful Planner. It’s a mid-year and begins this Saturday. July 1st!
My other Purposeful Planners have been spiral bound. I love how heavy the spirals on them are. This time I opted for the white leatherette and I’m excited to try it out.
I have more pictures to share of the planner soon! You can still order one right here. The Black Floral is very gorgeous and the black and white stripe is too!
I’m taking a deep breath since harvest is finished now and getting ready to regroup. We have a giveaway starting tomorrow for a set of gorgeous Bible tabs. Check back in for that!
I have pictures of Renae to edit. We did a photo shoot before harvest and it was so fun! I have some baking I’d like to do. My whole house is grubby and cluttery. We have a baby niece or nephew due to arrive any day!! {We’re quite excited!!}
I have pics and videos from harvest I’d like to mess with. I have a whole bunch of blog post ideas I wish were typed out. 🙂
I am not going to run out of projects anytime soon!!!
I find myself having a whole list of things I would like to get done {and things that need/must be done} and I feel like I bumble around like a very bad juggler not quite sure which ball to throw and which ball to lunge for and {hopefully} catch! Haha!
How is your summer going? I can’t believe how close July is!
Linking up with Frontier Dreams ~