The subtitle says “365 Devotions That Meet You in Your Everyday Mess.”
Combine that with the title, A Moment to Breathe, and release a huge sigh of relaxation. Don’t you think?! 🙂
B&H/Lifeway sent me A Moment to Breathe to review.
This book hails from the (In)Courage community and is filled with relatable stories from the pens and hearts of a lot of lovely ladies! Here’s a few names ~ Denise J. Hughes is the editor and also shares stories in it. You’ll find Holley Gerth, Rachel Anne Ridge, Emily P. Freeman, Annie F. Downs, Mary Carver, Jacque Watkins, Lysa Whittle, Jessica Turner, Sarah Mae and Alia Joy.
I was excited to receive this book. I’d seen it shared online and knew it was on my to-read list!
Oh, and that’s my current dishcloth in the picture! I had a couple of neighbors and friends who shared cotton from their fields with me and that’s been my other projects! No pictures here….yet! I have shared some in my Instagram stories. I redid a grapevine wreath I had and updated it with cotton. I made a cotton arrangement that’s residing on my dryer in my laundry room and I’ve been using some of the cotton mixed with boxwood to top my Christmas gifts! So much fun!
Back to A Moment to Breathe. I’ve read several devotionals or books this year, compiled of a variety of stories and authors. I’ve loved them. I like stories and I like picking up a book and reading a chapter or devotional and then putting the book back until next time. It offers quick, inspirational reading because each story stands on its own.
Peek inside! A ribbon book marker………as you know………one of my favorite things! 🙂
Speaking of reading lists, both these books had been on my to-read list for quite some time!
Anxious For Nothing by Max Lucado.
Very good! So good! Good good!
I’ve read Max’s books since I was a teenager.
I recently realized why I’ve always loved his books.
They’re simple with a big take away and inspiration, they have a great sense of humor and they contain real life and stories.
These three elements always, always speak to me.
To Be Where You Are by Jan Karon
Hello again, Father Tim! Hello Cynthia! And Dooley and Lace! And Miss Louella! Hello Avis and hello Meadowgate!
These books are masterpieces that shine.
I always want to pack up and drive to Mitford.
So many characters who come alive on the pages! Laughter and tears and napoleons and sweet rolls. Baked hams and prayers and relationships.
Real life. The messy. The beautiful.
Deep inspiration from the lives of fictional characters who contain the realness of people from real life.
And this title………..”To Be Where You Are”. Isn’t that gorgeous??? To have someone who brings you happiness and comfort and grace and space and “You Want To Be Where They Are.” And in return to have someone who loves “To be Where YOU Are.”
AND this book!!
It’s been a bit since I read it……let’s see, it was the beginning of October. I haven’t had a chance to share it here.
The Modern Mrs. Darcy is one of my first-read blogs and I was super-de-duper happy to open the cover on Anne’s book.
I thoroughly enjoyed this book and loved how Anne pulled all the personality tests together and talked about them and explained the differences and shared how learning about personalities and people had impacted her life.
I liked how realizing what makes us tick, makes us who we are, and understanding what draws and repels us can give us powerful insight in the way we relate to ourselves, to our spouses, to our children and to other people and relationships in our lives.
Thanks for your fun and insightful book, Anne!
Tell me ~ what are you reading and what are your projects right now?
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, friends!! What favorite food are you looking forward to?
Food from the archives over here……………