It’s the last weekend in August! Which is sort of the same as saying SUMMER IS SLIPPING AWAY. I know quite a few schools are back in session. Renae started back at the schoolbooks last week. {See yesterday’s post.} We’ve had windows open this week and cool air breezing in. We have a giveaway…
Category: Products
It’s Gluten Free From the Bakery on Main
Right before we were packing up our bags to head to Ohio in March, this box made its arrival onto my doorstep. Now, I love packages and parcels arriving in the mail or left on my porch by the UPS or Fed Ex delivery people. I’d been expecting this shipment and I was happy when…
Ten Stocking Stuffer Favorites
Today I’m jotting down a quick list of favorites that would make wonderful stocking stuffers or gift items! I’d be delighted to find them in mine. 🙂 {Obviously, since these are favorites of mine.}{O.B.V.I.O.U.S.L.Y.} 1. EOS Lip Balm Still a favorite. Love the shape. Love the job it does. 2. Mrs. Meyer’s Dishsoap Smells delicious!…
The Giving Manger Giveaway
Happy Thanksgiving! Giving of thanks. Always. Always so much to give thanks for. The giving of thanks and thanksgiving living changes us. I’m convinced more all the time. I’m putting up a giveaway for The Giving Manger today. I thought I would post it in October, but I didn’t. We had other giveaways and…
Free Thanksgiving Menu Printable and Gratitude Page Printable
I’ve been working a little on learning about printables and creating a few for fun. I have a free Thanksgiving Menu Printable Page for you today, if you’d like to print it out. You can jot down your menu items on the page and enjoy some pretty pumpkins at the same time. Go here to…