It was only just the other day that I was writing a hello greeting to February!
Linking up with Carole ~
The clerk I chat with in town.
My neighbor.
My mother-in-law.
We all say it. The same thing. How fast each week and month moves along……………..faster, faster…………
Impossible to explain. How time can be this mix of moving. Of fast and slow, of joy and sorrow all mixed together. You can’t separate it. It’s more like a mix of salty sea water than a mixture of oil and water.
Hello then, March!!!
Hello to the March flexi and to new styles at Lilla Rose!
Hello to spring farmwork!
Hello to my freshly painted bathroom in the basement! {See yesterday’s post.}
Hello to organizing, sorting and getting rid of some stuff in my house! I’m so delighted to finally be able to kneel and bend and lift easier than I have for a long time. It feels so good to be able to go through things and accomplish some long overdue organization.
Hello to some knitting I want to finish and hello to pom-poms! {I hope!} A friend and I want to get together and make pom-poms, but that may not happen till April.
Hello to a bunch of March birthdays! We have several family members born in March plus one of my best friends.
Hello to cleaning up broken branches outside, left behind by the ice storm.
Hello to a couple of upcoming giveaways!
Hello to a list of blogposts I’d like to post.
Hello to a camera card that needs sorted, deleted from and pictures backed up.
Hello to a big, blue Kansas sky!
Hello to hoping for some rain!
Hello to the promise of spring! Spring is my favorite.
Hello to spring and Easter decor for my house. I always love getting it out.
Hello to taking walks…………unless you become too lion-like, March.
Hello to working through a study on the book of Mark.
Hello to a stack of books!
What are you saying hello to in March?

I’m saying hello to dear family coming to see us soon”☺️☺️👍👍
Your list of Hellos to March is very inspiring…I am saying hello to a host of things too…most hopefully a trip downtown -I live in Washington DC – to see the Cherry Blossoms!
That sounds absolutely beautiful! I love spring and the all the beautiful spring blooms. I have bulbs that are starting to shoot already!