Ten on Tuesday.
Linking up with Carole ~
Today we’re making a list of ten words that describe ourselves…………BUT each word has to begin with the same letter as my name!
Hmmm. That makes it a bit trickier.
I’m going with positives, so please don’t take me as braggy or seeing myself as quite the person. 🙂 {The people pleaser in me has to put in this disclaimer.}
2. Doer
3. Delightful {Naturally.}{Not all the time, either.} 😉
4. Daily Bible Reader
5. Designer
6. Decorator
8. Desiring Discernment
9. Delicious cookie baker
10. Decadent Chocolate Eater
It’s your turn!!
Leave your list in the comments. You don’t have to do a whole ten if you don’t want to. I’d love to hear your words!
Here’s the guidelines again~
Ten on Tuesday
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Desiring Discernment! That’s a great one! I salute you, my fellow D blogger!
Thank-you! I’m glad you stopped by as a “fellow D”! 🙂