I’ve had this post long in the works and hanging out in the behind-the-scenes and drafts in my dashboard of my blog.
Therefore, with much ado, I bring you OUR FARMHOUSE TOUR.
And a few quotes about home….
Be it ever so humble, There’s no place like home!!!!!
There is nothing like staying at home for real comfort.
Home is where my people are!
Home is also a house you love!
Home can be in a house you don’t love and you can still create home and a wonderful space for your people.
I did that for a lot of years.
{There’s lots of links sprinkled throughout this post if you feel like hopping around and peeking into past posts about our house.}
Come on in!
That’s probably where our farmhouse story starts. In a house that was home, even if we didn’t just love, love the actual structure. Over here in this post and over here in this post. Those posts talk about our really, really old farmhouse that we lived in for a buncha years, before we bought this house and did house project stuff to it and then moved in and then still have house project stuff we hope to do eventually…..
I do love our farmhouse and there are not many days that I don’t think about how grateful I am for it and how much I love it.
Part of my appreciation comes from our many years in a drafty, cold, old, old farmhouse. I was always grateful to have a house, but it did have a lot of issues.
Another part of my love for our home, I always loved white two-story farmhouse style houses. In truthfulness, I never really thought we’d have a house in this style. We’d talked about tearing our old farmhouse down and rebuilding at our farm location. If that would have come about, we would’ve built a single story on a basement and it would have just been a different style.
One thing that would have been the same~ our garage and porch style. We added the porch and garage onto our house and if we would have built we would have had a porch all across the front and an extended porch roof over our garage just like we added on our house now. I’m not sure if any of that makes sense. I am not an apt explainer. Take the second story off and have a straight roofline and that would be what it would’ve been like.
This is our farmhouse now.
We’d like to put shutters on it someday.
We want lovely grass out front sometime.
BUT…. here’s what it looked like when we bought it.
Granted there had already been a good bit of work put into it by the previous owners. They dug a basement and then had the house moved and placed in position on the basement and added on a back porch/laundry area.
So, there was quite a bit of stuff begun and done before we bought it.
This is the beginning of the porch and garage process.
I’m always amazed to look back and realize the progress we’ve made and I’m terrible at taking before pictures. I even know that I am and that someday I will want to look back and I still don’t take them very well!
We put on siding over here in this post.
Our front door!
I love my screen door. I like the look, I like the swing. I like the bang.
I like opening up the front door when it’s beautiful outside!
I love the big windows in my living room, especially because our old house did not really have windows in the living room. But the big windows don’t open, so it is lovely to have a screen door to catch the breeze.
Here it is with my Easter wreath that I actually crafted this year!
And I already need to update a bit, because we got the sidewalk up to the front steps poured earlier this year.
We have lots of plans and dreams for outside and in that we’d like to see happen someday. It will be fun to see what another ten years brings, but I really, really love my house and I want to enjoy the journey.
We want to do yardwork and I’d like to redo some carpets and floors in the upstairs bedrooms someday. We’d like to put laminate wood type flooring {not sure what it’s called} in the basement eventually. We have trimwork that we want to do and work in the laundry room. We have some landscaping ideas we’ve tossed around. We have painting we want to do on different outside stuff.
Lots to keep us busy!
Our living room is a longish room.
We’ve ended up with furniture in both ends as it’s really too long to work well together.
I still toss ideas around about what I might try with it someday, but I like the way the space works for us for now.
These pictures are from back in the fall. Notice fall decor!
My coffeetable has become one of my favorite spots for decor since we’ve settled in to living in our farmhouse.
It’s funny to look at our first-moved-in-pics and how bare everything looked. I don’t like too cluttery, but too sparse does not feel homey to me.
This is one of my favorite features of my farmhouse!
Thermostat on the wall.
You simply walk over and turn it on, turn it up, turn it down.
{Our old, cold, farmhouse had no ductwork, no central heat.}
You’ll find me raving over my ductwork in this post.
Here we are with different decor happening…
This is my kitchen.
At one point it was my someday kitchen.
Then, my almost-ready-to-be-used kitchen.
And now my used-on-a-daily-basis kitchen!
This post shows A Corner in My Kitchen.
Basement ~
And before we had our kitchen finished, we used the basement kitchen. You see, when we moved the main floor didn’t have a kitchen and so for several months we simply used our kitchen in the basement. There were perks about the basement kitchen and things about it that were handier than our old house kitchen.
Peek at my painted basement cupboards by hopping over here ~
And in this post you can find my shorter, younger kiddos working in our basement kitchen, making butterhorns!
This post about my DIY Mirror Frame Project shows a bit of our basement bathroom, if you want to take a quick look!
This is our basement rec room.
We use it a lot.
I’ve always loved basements. I had a lot of fun playing in my mom and dad’s basement when I was growing up.
We spend a good bit of time in our basement. Especially in the winter when the woodstove is radiating heat and making the room warm and cozy!
We watch movies and play games in the basement and do school in the basement and the kiddos sleep down there when it is stormy and I do my home canning down there and our office is in the basement, so my bookwork hours get put in downstairs.
I love my laundry area. I’m talking about my previous laundry room rearrange over in this post.
And this post from the archives has me thinking about the thankfulness I have for laundry.
Take a peek at Laundry On the Line, in this post.
In the above photo, back in the left-hand corner, you can spy a door. It opens into a half-bath. Our old farmhouse only had one bathroom, so I have been so, so grateful to have more than one. Not needing to always share one bathroom was one of the first things that stood out to me, as just-so-nice, when we moved.
Upstairs to my Kids’ Rooms
Boy room. Legos. Legos. And Legos. This boy has liked Legos for a long, long time.
I like my kiddos’ rooms.
It’s fun to see them create their own space and fill it with trinkets they love and things that interest them and mean something to them.
Girl Room.
Love seeing my daughter’s style emerge and it makes me think back to my bedroom at home and the way my sister and I decorated it.
The Guest Room
Go over here to peek at the guest room and my guest room makeover….
Our Bedroom and Bath
Our bedroom and my very favorite sign! I loved this sign the very first time I saw it and was so excited when I was able to order it and hang it in our room.
Just like how nice it was to have more than one bathroom, it also didn’t take me long at all to get used to a bathroom right off of our bedroom, instead of trekking across the creaky living room floor in the night!
I got this clock as a Christmas present from my Mother and Dad this past year. I love it in our bathroom.
I’d been wanting somewhere to set this basket in our bathroom and was happy when I thought about using this little chair. I love using things with memories attached and this chair has them! My aunt and uncle gave it to me when I was young. I always liked it and then I had two chubby, baby people that used it and loved it. My aunt died from cancer when my daughter was little, and my memories of her are dear. The chair reminds me.
Outside and Around the Farm
Come sit on the porch with me in this post ~
Here are my rosebushes ~ I really love them! And in this post we planted boxwoods.
This is my view over to our farm. Our old house would’ve been beyond the shed. I enjoy getting to gaze out my living room windows over to our farm or glance over there when my farmer is working at the shed. I like seeing his equipment sitting over there and seeing the tractors and trucks come and go and move around and change parking places with the different seasons and with whatever is going on at the time.
This was {obviously} fall and milo harvest. It’s so fun to have a small field right outside my window.
For more about “Farm” hop over here to my farmpost category…
If you want to do some more house tours……….
Andrea Dekker has a fun one over here…
And you can find my sister’s over here!
Share with me if you have a house tour posted in blogland! 🙂

Your house is beautiful! Such a wonderful transformation! I always love a good before and after post.
Thank-you, Beth! I agree…it’s fun to see before and after.
And to add a little humor to the quotes: Home is a place where you keep your stuff while you go out and buy more stuff!
Isn’t that the truth sometimes?! 🙂
Fun to see your post up! Love your farmhouse and I’m with you on the thermostat on the wall being the best home feature. I love mine too. No way you can fully appreciate just how wonderful they are unless you have lived in drafty old houses that don’t have that first world luxury!
It was fun to get it up, although I may do some revisions or update some pictures or do another post sometime.
Fun to see your house – there were so many little things I loved I’ve forgotten what I wanted to say. 🙂 Love your coffee table. I was trying to minimize in an effort to move but since we’ve decided to stay (for now) I brought home a couch and two chairs today. So now we have two couches and four chairs. All mismatching. It looks like a college dorm but I love all the seating! Will have to have Jill over to help me make some slipcovers. I was telling Dan we needed a big coffee table and yours is great! I also really like your basement. My aunt & uncle built a basement and lived in just that for years. I think they called it an underground house? Then they built a second story and I always remember as a child how cool it was that they had two kitchens and two living rooms! And it was so easy to keep the living areas clean upstairs because they were never it them – they were always downstairs. 🙂 When you were upstairs it was like a ranch house and you’d never know there was a whole other “house” downstairs. Kinda weird now that I’m typing it out. Anyways – fun tour!
Ha! This post is longishish……makes it easy to forget what all you thought!!! I do that too!
All the seating sounds wonderful. And that’s part of the beauty of creating home, just working on it and with it to keep making it what you love. I like our basement really well, too. Our furniture down there is all this and that and from our other house. We’d never had new until we moved and Matthew wanted to get couches for the living room upstairs. I was just thinking about having Jill do slipcovers, so it worked out better to get couches for upstairs and put the other stuff in the basement. Now I’m to the point of thinking it would be fun to maybe still slipcover them or do something that looks prettier down there. But it’s not a big deal and it’s fun to have something to work on. I keep rolling ideas around.
I also notice that we can keep our main floor pretty presentable if we want or need to since we have the basement rec room. Just like you said about your aunt and uncle. You always have fun stories!! write a book, Jenni!! I know it’d be on my favorites list!! 🙂
Such a pretty house! You have done a wonderful job decorating each room. Thanks for sharing at the #HomeMattersParty
Thank-you! Thanks for stopping in! 🙂
I know it’s long after you posted this tour, but I just had to comment. I’m a former Kansas girl, from just west of Hutch. Your outdoors pictures just look like home. That Kansas sky . . . I miss it so much. And the sunsets.
It’s fun to see how you’ve transformed a Kansas farmhouse. I really like those simple kitchen cabinets. Beeeyoutiful.
It is so hard to beat the Kansas sky! I find myself often taking pictures of sunrise and sunset. I post some of them on Instagram, but not nearly as many as I could! 🙂
Thank-you for your kind words! I really love my kitchen cabinets, too.
I’m glad you took time to comment.