I’m so excited!
We have a giveaway happening.
Yesterday, I posted a Tour of our Farmhouse, that I’ve long thought about putting together. This giveaway helped me to put a few finishing touches on the tour for now.
It was fun timing, I thought, to talk about home and to do this giveaway.
I recently read the book, Love the Home You Have and promptly fell in love with it. I just resonated so much with many of Melissa Micheals’ words and love of creating home. It was so fun to have so many things I related with flying off the pages at me. I felt like Melissa put into words many of my own feelings for home and the love of home. I’d checked the book out from our local library, but soon knew I really just wanted my own copy and added it to my want-to-own list!
If you’ve read it, but don’t have your own copy,
if you want to read it, but haven’t,
if you’ve read it and DO have your own copy, but would love to gift it to someone else, then enter to win!
And spread the word. Or not, so you have a better chance of winning yourself. 😉
Because Melissa is very kindly and generously giving away a copy of Love the Home You Have to one of you!
Double, triple hooray!!!
I love giveaways and giving away favorites and things I love!
I have to say it again! I’m so excited! ! 🙂
And isn’t that a cute cover? Pretty book covers are a happy thing.
Love the Home You Have has a website with free downloads and a video and reviews of the book, plus links to Melissa’s blog at The Inspired Room and places to buy the book. Jump over here to visit!
The artwork in this post is in the book and on the website to download. Love this pretty art and quotes.
Isn’t that a great description for home and living? A bit of a beautiful mess. I think that sentence totally captures well-loved and well-lived. Not perfection. Just done well and enjoyed.
Home is right where you are.
I agree. Yes!!!!
When we moved from our old, old farmhouse to this farmhouse, that was one thing that came alive to me.
I wrote about Some Things I learned From Moving
and this was my last point.
My Father, my family, and my “stuff”, woven together with laughter and memories are what make a house into a home.
Our old, old farmhouse had a lot of things to cover up and a lot of cracks that let in cold air and windows and sills that made me exceedingly grumpy, EVERY time I washed them, {thankful for windows with glass in them all the same} and steep stairs and sloping, creaky floors, but we made it home and placed furniture strategically and painted over old, ugly wallpaper and fixed a few things and hid a whole lotta others. It was the home we brought our babies home too and it was the only home they knew and they were not keen on the idea of moving out of it and my daughter had tears when we knocked it down. Children don’t notice flaws like mamas creating home do. 🙂 It was not my dream house or space, but we sure did a lot of happy living in it.
Melissa has lived in several different houses and she shares her heart for home and her ideas for creating spaces you love and ideas to try and get YOUR mind rolling and looking at your space in a new way.
I really like the observation she made in the above quote. It made me smile to just stop and go, “Of course! God created beauty and peace and happiness. It’s written into us. It makes sense that we would enjoy that for our homes.”
I also reminisced about the love and laughter and tears and happenings that took place under the roof and inside the walls of our old, old farmhouse home in this post. Reflections make me thankful. Because happiness doesn’t just have one address. {See below.}
I’ve always enjoyed creating home and decor and nesting, ever since I married My Love and we settled into our honeymooner home, where we lived for a little over a year. I like bringing in seasonal decor and changing and freshening things. It’s one of the best ways to motivate myself to dig into deeper cleaning, too! By rearranging and changing up decor. Over here is a Creating Home ~ Valentine’s post that shows a few touches I added for Valentine’s Day this year.
I won’t try to persuade you to create a house that looks just like mine. All our dream houses look a little bit different. ~Love the Home You Have
Enter on the Rafflecopter and cross your fingers! And have a simply wonderful day whether you are at home or away!
Terms and conditions in Rafflecopter. Only open to the U.S. I was not compensated for this post. All opinions are my own and no one else’s. My husband and son aren’t big readers and my daughter hasn’t read this book, but if and when she does, I’m guessing she’ll like it like I do. BUT, none of them offered any opinions. All are mine!!! 😉
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I haven’t read Love the Home You Have. When I think about moving, I realize that I do like our home..stuffed to the gills with 5 children, their stuff, and 18 yrs of married life accumulations! However, sometimes the grass looks greener… 🙂 I would love to read the book for inspiration!
I haven’t read Love the Home You Have and it sounds like I really need to read it. Our home turns out is a double-wide (I was originally told it was a modular), somehow telling me it was a double-wide even more depressed me about our house. Having 3 boys, two dogs (up until a this year) and 3 cats has taken its tole on this place too.
I have not read this book but sounds like I would enjoy it. I love to follow your blog, Kansas was my home state and I also grew up on a farm!
We spent the entirety of 2014 thinking we were going to be moving soon. But every door and window, and at times it seemed even the cracks, were closed by God. We finally resigned to staying here until God makes it clear it’s time to go. I like my house, I’d change the layout if I could but I do not like where it’s located at all. Would love to read this book and see if it wouldn’t change my attitude if nothing else!
This books sounds so wonderful. I don’t have one like it yet. I have cook books, etc. I do have an herb book that has a decorating section for the home using herbs. Thanks for the giveaway.
This book looks so inspiring! We are closing on a new house next week and this would be such a great book to read – as much as I want our new place to be Pinterest perfect immediately, I keep reminding myself that even as it is now, it’s perfect for us because it is *ours.*
This book sounds like a great read!!
I’m reading the Marie Kondo book and it’s helping me feel happier with my home.
One of my favorite magazines is DIY. Has such creative and simple ideas to make your home a dream home!
I haven’t read any home books but look forward to learning more once we buy our own place!
I love our house and would love to make it a real “home.” Thanks for the honest review. kristiedonelson(at)gmail(dot)com Thank you.
Thank you so much for the chance, I would to read this and get tips and pointers for my home.
I haven’t read it yet, but I’d really like to! My husband and I recently went on a house hunt thinking we wanted something bigger and fancier than our small honeymoon home. Instead we found that we really loved the house we’re in already and want to do more to make the home we have our forever (or at least a really long time) home!
I had not heard of this book before this post but it sounds wonderful. I struggle with fully loving the home that I have now.
Thanks for the giveaway, this looks like a good book! I do love my home as well!