Happy Tuesday! It’s been a minute or ten since I compiled a Ten on Tuesday post. As a lover of lists and a good bullet point, these posts are some of my favorites. Amazon was having their Buy Three Books for the Price of Two sale which they throw every so often. I originally thought I’d share some books I love that were part of the promotion.
A little snag. As quickly as I realized the sale was going on and began to compose this post, I further realized the promotion was ending. Ha! I had to laugh. Too often, I admit feeling as this is so much me. A day late and a dollar short. A square peg staring down a row of round holes. 🙂 A bit awkward. A bit of a misfit. Ah, well. I’ve also come to find we often relate to people when we realize they don’t have every act pulled together and their ducks get out of the row on Wednesdays and every second Saturday. 😉
Instead of Buy3ForthePriceof2, I bring you a mish-mash of a few titles I am reading, looking forward to, would like to own, or just plain-in-general like! Works for me! How about you? Yes?
Oh good! Hooray! Let’s go.
No. 1

Only You Can Be You by Sally Clarkson and Nathan Clarkson.
I sure do love children’s picture books. I gifted this one to my niece recently. I wouldn’t mind adding it to my bookshelves. I really love Sally Clarkson’s books and I wish I would have found them much earlier in my life. She’s a kindred spirit in so many ideas and she put words to things I believed in, but didn’t know how to articulate.

No. 2
Temple Grandin. This movie is well-done and tells a powerful story. It portrays perseverance. It shows love and selflessness. It also shows the cruelty people are capable of simply because someone is different. We can show compassion. Or we can puff up in our importance, thinking we show off power by causing some to feel less than. By belittling something we don’t understand and throwing our weight around.

No. 3
A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood ~ I watched this movie for the second time over the weekend. So good. It has me wanting to read this book, The Good Neighbor: The Life and Work of Fred Rogers by Maxwell King. Our library does awesome at using Interlibrary Loan or attaining titles for us. I plan to request this one soon.
I have this biography currently checked out, Becoming Dr. Seuss by Brian Jay Jones though I’ve only read a few pages in it so far! 🙂

No. 4
The Help. I watched this movie in the theater way back in 2011. I still like it and I’m always astounded at how these beautiful women were treated in their jobs as maids. Yes, it’s a work of fiction but it gives a glimpse into the way we can be hurtful, hateful, and harsh toward other people created in the image of God simply because of our disregard, disrespect, and dismissal of His word and His creation of each and every one of us.

No. 5
Colorfull by Doreena Williamson ~ I love this children’s book along with the other two in the series. Great lessons! Thoughtful stories! Bright and happy illustrations! Curl up and read aloud with the littles in your life!
{I have more photos and a review of Colorfull from two summers ago over in this post.}

No. 6
Master of One by Jordan Raynor
This book is on my to-read list. It sounds so interesting. The description of the book says Jordan Raynor provides straight forward steps through practical principles to find and thrive in your calling. It says he shares stories and examples of C.S. Lewis, Mr. Rogers, Tony Dungy, and biblical figures. It sounds so good!
Jordan Raynor was a recent Tuesday Teacher in hope*writers and I completely enjoyed his interview.
I also have his book Called to Create in my to-read stack. I found it at Mardel in early January. I wasn’t familiar with him, but the title and description snagged my interest!

No. 7
Welcome Home by Myquillyn Smith………..Coming September 15, 2020! Hooray! Books about home. This new one from Myquillyn Smith debuts this fall. You can pre-order it now and keep an eye out for pre-order bonuses which will be coming.
I have The Nesting Place and Cozy Home Minimalist on my bookshelves and can’t wait to add this newest title from Myquillyn.
No. 8
Everybody Always by Bob Goff
Another book on my want-to-read list. I truly am grateful for Bob Goff’s contagious enthusiasm and desire to love others well, do good, and bring joy to the world. Someday I hope to have his books on my bookshelves. I read Love Does a few years ago from our library.
I had to go look it up, but as it happens Bob Goff’s newest book, Dream Big, releases today! I knew it was very soon, but wasn’t quite sure of the exact date.

No. 9
Be Courageous journal by Holley Gerth
Writer people! Journaler people! Listen!!! Is not this a great journal?! I truly hope to add it to my journal collection someday. I love the quote, because, hey, writing and sharing it can be pretty scary. Even writing in a private journal sometimes feels scary. Pen and paper can give voice to feelings and emotions we weren’t aware of. Dealing with them sometimes is hard work. It means facing fears and battling the voices in our heads.
In another aside, do you have collections? It’s so interesting to hear what people are drawn to and like to collect. I have a small journal collection. A few antique glass dishes. Pens, pencils, and markers, oh my! And oh yes!!! Give me a good pen any day of the week, month, or year!
I have books. Yep. Pretty sure you could say I collect books. They feel like old friends. Children’s books. Handlettering books. A very good story. Yes, yes, and yes.
I also have a small collection of Bibles that makes me happy. Sometimes I feel a bit guilty when I think of people who don’t own a Bible. Life surely is never fair. I would gladly share. I’m grateful for Bible giveaways I’ve hosted here on my blog. And, all the same, I truly do appreciate a collection of Bibles. Several years ago, a fellow blogger/friend/acquaintance mentioned her Bible collection. I loved the idea. It really hadn’t occurred to me before. I suppose I felt I needed to only have the Bible I was currently reading. I have so much enjoyed collecting a few and using them on different occasions. I do have probably three favorites, but seeing them all on the shelves brings me joy.

No. 10
Stand All the Way Up by Sophie Hudson
I’m completely delighted about this newest book from one of my favorite authors. This one made me belly laugh and made me cry. Books and movies which do this are my very-best-favorites. In other words, they make me Feel All the Feels. Plus, relatable. I could open it up and begin re-reading it all over again. I do plan to re-read it before the summer is over.
If you aren’t aware, I have a page of favorite books and dvds right over here, be it only the tip of the iceberg! Haha!
I’d love to hear what you’ve been reading lately! Have a good Tuesday and a delightful week.