I want the infusion of Jesus in my life.
For this is the leaven of life.
Not the profession of Him.
Not the profession of Christianity.
Not nicely summed up in a little meme.
Not the confession of Jesus.
Not confession alone.
Not nicely coined words and phrases.
Certainly not the pretension of Jesus.
A house of cards testimony.
Woven together with faulty theology
And false pride.
Built on shifting sand,
Slowly sucking life away
in splashes of showiness
and narcissistic self.
Not the ambition of Jesus.
The doing so much.
Being so much.
Proclaiming so much,
for Jesus; I’m left with……
No Time to Know Jesus.
Ambition is admirable, worthy.
Until I have made it
feigning it for His glory,
but finding
my face,
in the ornate frame on the wall, instead.
Not the notifications of Jesus –
Bible app
verse of the day
podcast episode
Wednesday night prayer meeting
new Bible study book
inspirational book
Sunday service
Variety of Bible versions
bumper sticker
coffeeshop ragamuffin service
Bible Reading Checklist
All good things?
But the notifications alone,
the adding, adding, adding,
attending, attending, attending,
listening, listening, listening,
searching, searching, searching,
are as stubble and soot, chaff and charcoal ash,
if I don’t have time for,
time with,
time to apply,
time to grow in,
time to really know Jesus.
I want the infusion of Jesus in my life.
In me.
Every day. Everywhere.
All the time. Always.
I want the invitation wide open.
Come into my life, Jesus.
Thank-you for your salvation.
Your grace, unending.
Your mercy. New. Refreshing.
Replenishing. Magnificent.
You have saved me.
Yet, I do not want you to stop there.
I want you to change me.
Form me. Reform me.
Mold me.
Make me malleable and pliable
in your capable Sculptor’s Hands.
My whole life long.
I invite you in, Jesus.
Keep nudging me. Leading me.
Perfecting change in me.
Captivating me.
Little by little, crafting, creating features to cause people to pause and comment, “How much she resembles her Father and reflects the goodness of His name and essence.” Not for my ego or vain pride or self-importance. But for Your glory alone. My heart’s desire, to shine for you because of your Spirit in residence in me.
Infused with Jesus.
Jesus in me. Delighting in me.
Filling my needs.
Looking to Him instead of:
– pursuits
– passions
– people
– possessions
to fill me and meet my emotional heart longings.
Infused with Jesus.
Jesus in my everything.
Jesus entering my everyday.
Jesus embracing each emotion.
Jesus empowering me in gentleness, truth, kindness, compassion, and love.
Jesus enabling me on craggy slope or boggy slough.
Jesus enlightening me to the Way, the Truth, the Life.
Jesus enlisting me to live out His purposes for me –
be it a quiet life, working with my hands,
be it feeding hungry,
be it traveling far and wide,
be it any of the innumerable paths and ways where He leads His people,
each journey unique,
each intertwining to form His whole purpose and plan.
Jesus, entrenched in me.
Me, established in Jesus.
Oh, Yes!
I want to be
with Jesus.