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Back in the spring, I pulled some of my favorite markers and pens out of their packs and plunked them into this basket together creating a cheery, happy mix of colors and an easy way to have them within arm’s reach. I borrowed a few colored pencils from my son and added them to the bunch.
It’s been a great inspiration and fun thing to me.
I use markers and highlighters in my Bible study. I find myself grabbing this basket and carrying it wherever I want to use it. I grab it for Bible study time. I grab it to write out a card or thank-you or postcard. I grab it to jot down a lovenote for my man or notes for my kiddos. I grab it anytime I want to use a favorite pen or marker.
One set of my markers are from Prismacolor. I absolutely love Prismacolor. We’ve had their colored pencils for a really long, long time. So much better than pencils from Wal-mart, in my opinion. I was excited when Timberdoodle introduced us to Prismacolor and my kiddos loved them. Before that, we weren’t ever all that excited about colored pencils.
We’d had the pencils for a while, when I saw the markers and guessed that there was a really-good-highly-likely chance that I would like them just as well as the pencils.
I was right! I do.
Another set of markers I like are by Bic. I had a coupon for them and decided to try them out and I’ve loved them too. They are a much finer tip than my Prismacolor markers. The Prisma markers actually have two tips. Broad and fine, but the fine is still much thicker than the Bic tips.
I’ve thought this mix has looked so pretty and it’s been a handy fun thing! I had to snap pictures. And that was fun too!!
Tell me about your favorite pen or markers!
I could spend too much time browsing the writing utensil aisle in an office store.

I love using different pens and markers in my life with the different things I make
HI…I love these pictures. Like you, I am a junkie for stationery like pencils, pens and colour pencils etc.
Can you pls let me know what pencils you have in the basket? Are the ones with erasers pencils, or colour pencils?
I’m a Mom from Canada…and like you, could spend hours in the back to school aisles.
The pencils with erasers are colored pencils and they are Prismacolor. I don’t know if you can still purchase them or not. Prismacolor is my all-time favorite colored pencil brand. They’re pricey, but worth it!!! 🙂
Aren’t pencils and markers and pens so fun?!!! Help! haha! Do you have a favorite brand? I also have some Zig calligraphy markers I like and a set of Tombow markers.