Life is real, Life is earnest,
And the grave is not its goal,
Dust thou art to dust returnest,
Was not spoken of the soul.
~Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
{Find all the eloquent words here ~}
The writing prompt for this Five Minute Friday.
The verse above was one of the first things to pop into my head. A hymn we sang in the little white church house where my family attended when I was a child.
I’ve been thinking recently about productiveness and busyness and priorities. It is all too real to me every week, at how quickly each day and week and month moves along, creating memories, inching my life along.
Inching and hurtling all wrapped up in one very real package.
I was also recently struck again by the thought of finishing well. We read a bit about King Saul and the story has a sad ending.
I love happy endings though. I like funny movies or sappy movies and movies that end happy. I don’t necessarily want real life when I sit down to watch a movie. I just want to be whisked away into the land-of-happy-endings when I curl up with a bowl of popcorn and a blanket.
King Saul started out with some very admirable qualities. Yet, he lost his integrity and relationship and focus on God and it didn’t end well.
The Bible is real. It doesn’t sugarcoat the truth or hide the faults of the characters in the stories penned across its pages.
And I am glad. While I do love an everything-turns-out-happy movie, I’m glad the Bible shares real accounts. As I flip through the pages in my Bible, as the thin pages rustle and curl, the people and their stories encourage my heart. They have so much to teach me. So much for me to learn.
There are some bizarre stories. The unexplainable. The miracles.
Love stories. Boaz and Ruth. The ultimate love story. Christ on a cross. Christ risen!!! Grave empty. Death defeated. Hallelujah!
I need the inspiration that it all provides. Thank-you, Jesus. I need it so much.
Because I am all too real.
And every day I fight against this flesh and self and the attacks that Satan barrages my soul with.
And yet! Amazing! As the hymn says, my soul isn’t returning to dust. My soul is who I am and it is returning to my Jesus, my Savior, my God.
Jesus is real. He’s alive. He’s returning for us.
Easter is coming. May we celebrate Him well.
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Oh yes and AMEN! So thankful that Jesus is alive and real. Have a blessed weekend. Stopping in from the FMF!