Once again the days are moving along and the mile long list of winter time projects has been shortened a bit, but never as much as my husband would like it to be.
I try to comfort him with the fact of, we-wouldn’t-want-to-run-out-of-things-to-do, but he never bites on that very well.
I also argue that this-is-life and there will always be stuff.
I’m argumentative.
Most of it really holds no comfort to him.
I could save my breath.
Usually doesn’t stop me. 😉
I try to convince him that when he wears a lot of the hats when it comes to our small farming operation, it’s rather hard to keep up with it all and juggle all the balls and keep them all up in the air.
He’s not convinced.
Well, when I started a post about hauling hopper bottoms for our bins, I had no idea that the list of wintertime projects was the path it was going to take.
So, carry on.
{However, if you are a do-it-yourselfer with a long list of items, take it from me, YOU CAN NEVER GET IT ALL DONE AS QUICKLY AS YOU’D LIKE TO. This may be comforting. Or not.}
One of our farm’s to-do things was picking up and hauling home these hopper bottom bins. If you are observant, you can see that we did get this task accomplished, thus I have pictures of them.
Consequently, if you haul something home on a trailer, you then need to unload it.
This found my farmer and the farmer’s son working at unloading them one morning.
I needed to run to the post office and that offered good timing. Seeing as I was out and about anyway, with camera in hand, I steered in the direction of the farm, as a stopping point, en route to the post office.
Rather like a drive-in movie, I pulled in, swung around to where I, and my camera, had a front row seat and a good vantage point and commenced to snap photos.
If only this was a snap-and-the-job’s-a-game kind of process. Oh, Mary Poppins, where are you when we need you?
The loader tractor worked trustily away and with forks and chains and maneuvering, the hopper bottoms got moved off the trailer one by one, and set tidily on blocks, to wait the next step of getting them put where the farmer-man eventually wants to have them. {Another project. See? Won’t run out!}
Bringing in a ladder to better access the trailer.
Swing around and here it comes.
Moving posts to the proper place and getting them all set down.
Have you had any kind of hauling projects on your winter list?!