In honor of Martin Luther King Jr Day of Service, the Ten on Tuesday prompt is – 10 Things You Can Do To Serve Others.
Hmmm. What shall our list be for today?
1. Well. Pray. Prayer’s gonna be my first thing. It’s something anybody can do for anybody else and it’s so important and such a blessing. I am always so thankful and appreciative to know people are praying for me or for the people I love. Prayer changes things. Prayer protects. Prayer covers us.
2. Listen. I think lots of people long for someone to simply listen. I don’t know that it’s always an easy thing to do, but it matters. And it’s definitely not something I feel like I’m very good at.
3. Give. Give what you can, when you can, how you can. There are needs everywhere. In our own hometowns, in other states, in Rwanda, in Uganda, in Mexico, in Haiti, in lots of other countries too, in places large and small, there are people to help.
4. Deliver a fresh baked cake. Who doesn’t want a fresh-baked cake to land on their doorstep?
These pictures were in my post yesterday. I should have just saved them for today, but I didn’t think that far. This plate is perfect for today’s subject! 🙂 It’s the giving plate! It belongs to no one. It just gets filled up and passed on to a new home. Emptied, then filled and passed again. Wouldn’t it be fun if it could recount its history to us?!
5. Do yardwork for elderly people or someone who needs a hand. We used to go rake leaves every fall at my Grandma’s house.
6. Pass on something you don’t need or use anymore to someone who can use it. Outgrown children’s clothes, toys they no longer need, tools you don’t use, bikes, books….the list is endless! We’ve been blessed many times by other people sharing with us and we’ve passed things along ourselves as well.
7. Lend a hand to help a neighbor on a project. We appreciated this so much when we were working on our house project.
8. Help out at some organization. Help at the local food bank. Drop off clothes at Goodwill. Serve food at the Red Cross Blood drive.
9. Say thank-you. Notice and appreciate other people’s efforts.
10. Practice the golden rule. Simply treating other people the way I want to be treated.
S ~ See
E ~ Empathize
R ~ Respond
V ~ Value
E ~ Encourage
Add on to this list with your ideas for service or the most memorable way someone has served you!
Linking up with Carole ~

I’m going to do the pass along plate!! I love that idea. Thank you. 🙂
It is really fun!