The other day I was thinking a bit about learning and trying things and how ALL our lives we are always learning and it is simply part of life to have things we have to do that are new to us.
Sometimes new is challenging and exciting and exhilarating!
Sometimes new is scary and overwhelming and outrageously hard.
If I can embrace challenges and opportunities with an attitude of learning, it definitely helps me. And the truth is, as long as we are actively living, there is going to be learning…..whether it’s the thing we WANT to learn or the learning opportunities thrust upon us.
I’m also LeaRNiNG….that it’s ok when I don’t know something or a skill doesn’t come easily or I have to try a lot harder than someone else.
Some things come more naturally to some people.
Someone who has been working at something or creating with a certain skill set for a number of years can make their craft or job look effortless. Granted, they are good at what they do, but it didn’t just happen. It took a lot of practice, hard work, hours, TRYing and practice! And more practice.
Very few things “just happen”. There’s hard work behind most everything!
After that little pep talk for myself, here’s a list of a few things I learned or learned a little better this year.
How about you? What would make your list?
1. Pain affects everything. I probably could have told you this. Maybe. It never occurred to me that much. But as I slowly heal from this whole sciatic thing, I can look back and realize how-NOT-GOOD I’ve felt and I couldn’t see it when I was right in it. Pain affects everything you go to do and whether or not you feel like doing something. It affects every move you make. {Here are my musings on pain at the beginning of the year, soon after my surgery.}
2. Hug every good day a little tighter. A little closer. Tuck it inside.
3. I learned to knit in the round! I’m not fast. But it’s fun and it was interesting to learn.
4. I learned a little more about going deeper in fervent prayer. I hope to keep learning this all my life.
5. Get back up. Life will always hold the get-back-up moments. Sometimes I lay there. Flat out. Feeling like I CAN’T keep on. But then….that pressing in and praying?? I pray. I get back up. Because my God is faithful.
6. Gluten free cooking. Never, never did I put this on my list of want-to-learn. But this year, I did. Like anything, once you dig in and begin, you learn, and it becomes easier and then becomes more normal. It looked overwhelming and not-very-fun-at-all when I first started. Now I do it and I empathize with other people who are faced with food allergies or other obstacles. And the kindness God poured out on me through sweet people and friends, in this, is treasured in my heart. {Although, when I do, on occasion, pull out my Tupperware container of Hudson Cream Wheat Flour, I sort of hug it fondly like an old friend, and whisper, “I’ve missed you.”}
7. I’ve learned a few more things about photography. I’ve had a lot of fun with pictures this year. There’s still a whole lot I’d like to perfect, but I try to remind myself that Rome wasn’t built in a day. {Plus, people around here seem to like clean laundry and some food now and then. I really can’t understand this. Working on photography skills surely is better??!!} 😉
8. Say thank-you. It matters. Grow in gratitude and be a thanks giver. Now, I don’t mean to sound like I didn’t know how to say thank-you. I did. But, different circumstances have made me more aware of what it means to tell people thank-you and how an attitude of gratitude really does color your life in a profuse way.
9. I’ve learned the teeniest-tiniest smidgen about caring for twin babies. One of my bestest friends had baby twins this year. They are delightful and they are miracle baby bundles. Every baby is a miracle, but these guys had hurdles and pregnancy complications. Today, they are giggling, gurgling babies and to look at them you would never know the journey of ups and downs as they began life! I’ve helped my friend a little and I’ll just say, All good mamas are amazing and a little sleep-deprived, but twin mamas are REALLY amazing and a LOT sleep-deprived! 🙂
10. Create. I think it became clearer to me this year, that it is a beautiful part of who we are to create in some way. We are created in God’s image and just look at His creation!! Creating and making are built into us, I think, and they energize and refresh us. I realized baking has always been one of my expressions of creating. Rolling out dough. Pulling hot cookies out of the oven. Turning the pie plate as I crimp the pie crust edge. Find your thing. Try new things! Whether it’s music or welding or gardening or stained glass art or reading cookbooks. What adds expression to your days and life?
Happy last few days of THIS year! Can you believe it?
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Deborah, what a great list! It is true, isn’t it, some things we choose to learn and sometimes learning is thrust upon us! How much better to embrace it and get the most out of it. I’m going to give some thought to the things I’ve learned this year. May we never stop learning and growing. Happy 2017!
Thanks for coming by! I hope 2017 is a blessed year for you and filled with new things to learn and enjoy! 🙂
I love your list, esp #8. Gratitude is much more powerful than we can ever understand. It changes our perspective on everything. If you can learn to find at least one thing to be grateful for every day… even and especially during difficult situations or with difficult people… it teaches us to focus on the positive and not the negative. Thanks!
Yes!!! It really does. I’ve had a gratitude journal for a few years now and I really enjoy it.