I think about the character I desire to have and the type of person I want to be. I miss the mark a lot, but it inspires me and does me good to think about the attributes I want in my life. This year my focus words have been a combination and intertwining of Aspire & Aim. I found myself listing some pretty simple ways to grow in living life as a pleasant person.
These things aren’t hard. They just require my attention and my discipline in living them out until they become ingrained habits in my life and flow forth more naturally!
1. Smile.
2. Say heartfelt thank-yous. {I appreciate your kindness so very much. Thank you!!!}
3. Laugh often.
4. Encourage others. {You can do it!}
5. Rejoice for others. {I am so happy and excited for you!}
6. Practice Giving.
7. Cultivate Kindness. {I’m so sorry you’re going through this rough thing.}
8. Sow sweetness.
9. Praise people. {You did an awesome job!}
10. Grow goodness.
Each one is so simple. The whole list is only a few words. Yet, each thing takes thought and continued practice. And I admit, I don’t always feel like smiling. I don’t always want to praise people or rejoice or laugh or, or, or,or…..
However, I am always happier when I DO do these things and it makes me FEEL happier and encouraged simply to read this list of attributes and to think about how good it makes me feel to be around people who live these out compared to the people who live out the opposites and are sour and dour and draining and complaining.
I have an idealistic bent and at times I’ve looked at it as a bad thing. Yet, it’s not. I won’t ever hit my ideals, but without them to aim at, neither would I go as far.
What would your list hold?
Have a wonderful Tuesday, friends! It is WET around here. We’d had 5 inches of rain yesterday morning when we woke up and it continued to rain throughout the day and I’m not sure what we ended up with. It was a super COZY day to stay inside! I love occasional rainy days. I love to light candles and bake when it’s chilly or curl up with a cozy blanket and a book when possible!
Wet or dry. Kansas is a wild card and this seems to be the way she plays!
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Awesome list and what a wonderful world it would be if we all abided by these. Great post!
Thanks you so much! I really do long to be better at this list! 🙂 I will just keep on practicing!
I sometimes think people forget how little it takes to be nice and what a big difference that little big of effort can mean in someone elses life. Just a smile to a stranger can lift their spirit, even though they never said a word about it. Not only does it make a difference in their day but how can you not feel better yourself with every smile you give. Love this simple post of reminders. <3
Thank-you so much! Little things do make a big difference, don’t they?! Have a wonderful weekend!
I love this list. We forget how much a difference a smile can make in a strangers day. Plus the smile we give or the kind word we share makes it hard for us to have a bad day, it takes the edge off and softens our own heart. Hope you have a blessed day!