I’m throwing a few pictures on here of some paint and progress we are making on the house. They aren’t the best-it’s kind of hard to photograph some of the rooms very well. At least for me.
bookcases and books that we moved into the upstairs…
It is a blessing to be able to move things over gradually!
I’d like to replace the rug in this room eventually. I have been reading some convicting books lately, about all the “stuff” we have and about giving and laying up treasure in heaven. They make me stop and realize that a new rug really isn’t that big of a deal and that I am just fine without one. I really do want a new one sometime, but it is good for me to realize just how much I am blessed. I spend too much time focusing on what I’d like to have instead of just being thankful!
Fresh paint is just so…well, fresh!! And bright and clean!
shower that we’ve had that came from a house hit by a tornado several years ago…
Getting ready to put it in the master bathroom. The one that was in there was small, older and it had a crack in the floor and was leaking.
White light switches!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tell me if you understand my excitement. They were tan/beige/cream-whatever you call the color.
My husband switched them out for me!!!!!!!!
There’s just something about little details.
and white outlets too!!!!!!!! more cartwheels-except I can’t do cartwheels. Never have been able to. My daughter can do them pretty well and I always have a little thrill of pride when I see her do one, because I never could accomplish it!
And a couple of pictures of the Peterbilt . Just because I snapped them when I took the pictures of the house and they were on my SD card with the house pictures. And I like my husband’s Peterbilt. I like most of his equipment and trucks on our farm.
My husband is getting ready to haul this load of stuff for the guy who did live in the house we’re working on. There was quite a bit of stuff outside that belongs to him and needs moved. Takes some time to get it done.
That’s all for now!
I think we all focus too much on what we don’t have or what we want instead of being thankful for all we have. Just human nature I suppose but it’s something I’m working on as well.
And I never could do a cartwheel either. My daughter has taught herself to do one and I too get a little twinge of pride whenever she does one! 🙂
Fun to see some pics! Looks like that load of stuff will go a long way on cleaning up the outside areas! Kudos to Matthew:)
I can’t do carwheels either. And if I even tried it now I’d end up in the hospital with lots of broken stuff I’m sure!
Nothing like fresh paint to brighten up a place. And I love WHITE switches and outlets, too. Picture #3——where is it and did you build an inset in the wall? I think the walls look great and it is always fun to see pics of the Pete.
That picture is in what will be the kitchen. It’s waiting for a window. There was an opening left for a doorway, but we closed it in and are going to put in a window instead.
Looks great …..so much easier moving little by little!
Looks fantastic….fresh & clean