Today is my mother’s birthday.
It is also my oldest niece’s birthday. Today she officially becomes a teenager.
It makes me laugh. My daughter is twelve and my niece is thirteen. It makes me laugh because there is no way they can be those ages because I am only twenty-two or twenty-three. Somewhere around there I think.
Age is so interesting. When you are young, you so look forward to being the next age and growing up and each year takes so long. It is also important to know exactly how old you are. It’s kind of like the story I’ve heard before. Someone asked a young girl how old she was and she replied, “I’ll be fifteen on my next birthday.” They then inquired when her birthday was. “Yesterday,” she answered.
Age isn’t so important to me anymore. At least not the knowing exactly how old I am and how long it is till my birthday. I have trouble even remembering how old I am and how old my husband is. I have to start using the year I was born.
Time certainly flies. And flies and flies. It just keeps moving on. My niece was my parents first grandchild. We were excited for her to arrive and doubly excited when she was born on Mother’s birthday. She was the most darling baby! Living 900 miles away when she was born wasn’t really very nice. I got to go see her when she was 3 weeks old and I made the most of it! I really can’t believe it’s been 13 years!
Happy Birthday Mother! Happy Birthday Teenager! We love you both. Have a great day celebrating!
Thank you, Deborah, for the birthday wishes. Birthdays are a good time to reflect back and I’m thinking of 13 years ago when I was given the best birthday present ever! I floated on air for several days. All my family is very high on my list of blessings. I certainly agree with you that time flies faster all the time. I can’t believe that I am eligible for Medicare already. How did I get here so fast!?