What have you been reading?
I just finished At Home in the World by Tsh Oxenreider. I flew through it pretty quickly. It was fascinating and intriguing and made me even more thankful for home and my cozy couch and hot shower and own bed while simultaneously making me want to book a flight to Italy. {One of my Places I’d Like to Visit in my list of ten right over here.}
More about it soon…………ish. I received a copy to read and review and I have another copy for a giveaway in the near future! Hooray! I love offering quality giveaways for fun stuff and/or products I love.
I’m slowly reading through The Kindness Challenge. It’s SO GOOD. It’s SO A CHALLENGE. If your heart loves encouraging others, longs for more kindness in this world, is looking for a motivator towards positivity and giving living, I so recommend this book.
AND, I’m still reading Laddie. It’s on inter-library loan and is soon due back. Don’t you think that’s a good excuse to do nothing but read?! 🙂
I wouldn’t mind using that excuse, but my kitchen was really, really longing for my attention and it was gorgeous on Monday and I planted a few more seeds in the garden and took a bike ride with my teens and trimmed some of my roses and boxwoods.
And when I was browsing Amazon last night, I realized I could get the Kindle version of Laddie free, so I downloaded it for a future time and/or in case I don’t get the library one finished.
Guess what? Well, before I tell you, please prepare for a moment of silence for my addled brain.
For the project portion of this post this week, well, I’m not even sure where my knitting is at present. I’ve been reading. And cleaning. And working outside.
THANKS to Renae, I do have a fun hat to show you! She crocheted another one like over in this post.
She said she thought it turned out better this time. Practice, you know! I like the colors. So fun!
I snapped several photos!
Renae also started this project. The yarn is so pretty and has a very neat texture. It’s going to be a little hat and is her first foray into knitting in the round.
Here’s a project……..A little bit of lettering….
Oh, and speaking of projects, my Monday post has a ribbon and flower bookmark project in it if you want to take a look.
And if you want some tongue-in-cheek humor, hop one post back for some SUPER handy helpful housewife hints!!!
And a beautiful hydrangea bloom! I posed this question of my blog fb page……….
Peony or hydrangea? Which is your favorite?
The answers were neck-in-neck when I checked later on. 5 for peony, 5 for hydrangea and two who shouted out for both and an anguished cry of, “Don’t make me pick!” 🙂
What do you say?
I love, love both, but I think I lean towards hydrangea. Perhaps because I have hydrangea plants at my house, but no peonies yet. I had a peony years ago at our old house. I’m hoping to plant some here this year or next. I love how the hydrangea blooms will dry. I still have two from last fall tucked back in a corner of my kitchen counter.
Linking up with Frontier Dreams.