I love color.
God could have given us a world of black and white, but He didn’t.
He spoke it into existence and He splashed it brilliantly and vibrantly with a rainbow of colors and hues upon hues. Isn’t it incredible?!
Yes, I love most any and all colors. There are a few I wouldn’t choose and some I choose most frequently. When nailed down to choosing ONLY one favorite color, I always go with red.
Red makes me happy. It makes me smile. Red is warm and bright and greet-you-with-a-grin. Red adds sparkle. It shouts of pizzaz. It’s rich and strong and enthusiastic. It’s pep and zest and spirit all rolled into one.
And while I love color and I love red, you won’t find me painting rooms in my house red or buying a red vehicle or installing red carpet. I love white or gray walls and neutral flooring with colorful accents throughout. And I further love vehicles in whites or grays or silvers.
I find no fault with your car or carpet, should it be red. You just won’t find me picking out red in those particular categories.
Life and personalities fascinate me. What makes us tick? What makes one thing beautiful to me and not-at-all beautiful to you? 😄 Why do I love red, yet it wouldn’t be my choice in certain things? I sometimes commiserate with the three-year-old who asks Why and Why and Why until you offer her chocolate chips to occupy herself!
Tell me ~ what is your ONE favorite color and what would you never buy in that particular color?
I hope your Monday was wrapped in radiant red!

I adore the color RED but I would never buy a car that is red. Although my husband thinks a candy apple red truck would be the cats meow!
🙂 So funny how we all have our likes and preferences! Red is so cheerful and bright!