I found this on my counter one afternoon~ handy-dandy pen holder comprised of various items from my paper drawer in the kitchen. Only problem~it doesn’t stand up very well by itself. 🙂
There’s That Kitty. I really do have a soft spot for him. And I have fun teasing the owner and trying to convince the argument that Kitty wants “Grandma”. Kitty really likes to go curl up in the throw pillows on my bed.
Speaking of throw pillows. I love the look of pretty pillows on the bed. I pretty much arranged them in the same way every morning when I made my bed. A couple of times my daughter slipped in and made our bed for me and arranged the pillows and another time recently my man put the pillows on our bed. I really liked seeing the way they arranged them and it inspired me to get a little more creative with my pillows as I place them and to break out of my pillow routine!!
Easter basket treats. We had people here on Easter, so I took a few minutes on Tuesday to pull out pretty dishes and prep Easter baskets and treats and put at my kiddos places.
Clear glass love and a touch of gold foil!
I got to reminiscing and went to look at old pictures from Easter. I thought I might add a couple, but I I had so much fun looking at them I decided I was just going to do a post all of their own. So coming soon!
Here’s what you find on the countertops when there’s a loaf of sourdough bread fresh out of the oven. Can not beat warm bread!
Happy, happy dance!
A friend blessed me with this insulated bag from 31. I love my 31 bags. There is just something a little bit nicer about them. I like the features they offer. They have fun prints and designs. And I’ve long loved bags.
This is one of my favorite prints too.
It has these compartments that can be folded back out of the way or flipped open and perfectly hold a jar of iced tea to deliver to my farmer! I’ve wanted something to carry to the field that fits a drink and a few things easily and handily, but had never struck on the perfect thing or even been sure what I wanted. I’m thrilled.
Easter eggs and Easter egg hunt. My kiddos enjoy hunting eggs. Over the years, they’ve had lots of fun hunting eggs. I would hide eggs for them and they also like to hide the eggs for each other and take turns hunting them
I’m so excited for the release of True Woman 201. I loved the True Woman 101 study and I am looking forward to 201. Go check it out over here!
The books are not only well done and well written and inspiring, they are full of pretty photos! TW101 is an eight week study and TW201 is a ten week study. The videos are available online or you can buy a dvd and share with a group.
My Bible study ladies watched the videos and worked through the True Woman 101 workbooks last winter.
True Woman 201 releases today and you can go over here to Revive our Hearts and hear Mary and Nancy share about it.
Leftover eggs from Easter brunch turned into egg casseroles for the freezer!
Laundry soap made…It’s been wandering aimlessly around on my to-do list. It didn’t have to be done, so I kept pushing it aside. Last week I finally got it accomplished!
Renae baked cookies and made a couple of spring deliveries.
I pulled these books off of our bookshelves and browsed through again. I’m not much of an artist, but the ideas are fun.
Timberdoodle magazine in the mail. I can’t believe they are celebrating 30 years! We’ve bought many of our school things from them over the years and been inspired by their ideas and products.
We had some lovely weather last week. We had a bit of rain on Wednesday and then a beautiful, pouring rain last night. We really need rain right now. Our wheat is thirsty.
One afternoon Renae spent curled up in the hammock with school books. She was reading history and making her own history as she enjoyed the lovely day. I looked out a bit later and she had her Bible books and pillows and had moved over to the trampoline. I so love that kind of weather. Perfect, peaceful sunshine.
There was working on sprayer and hauling water and spraying to do and the Peterbilt was out and about hauling gyp and lime. I got to ride along for one trip. A couple of pictures over on Instagram! Dishwasher rack fixed. Printed pics and sent to my sister-in-law. SD card still waiting for me to offload pictures. I accomplished several things I was wanting to last week and that’s always a good feeling. Some mending done and sorting and putting away. Strawberry jam made. 1/2 price Easter treats to stick in the freezer for lunches. Stuffed bunnies to put in shoeboxes. I like to get things here and there throughout the year for shoeboxes…when I remember!