I’m excited to tell you about True Woman 201. If you read my Memoir Monday this week, I talked about it there and shared my excitement! If you already read about it, you can scroll down and check out the graphics and quotes from the study that the launch team is sharing this week.
All I had to do was read the graphics to realize my toes were going to be tramped on.
As part of the Launch Team, True Woman is sending me a copy of TW201, and I’m anxious for it to arrive.
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I so desire to do True Womanhood and do it well.
That’s why a sentence in my James Bible study totally resonated with me and had me writing it in large letters in the margin.
It said.
“Nobody on this planet frustrates me like I frustrate myself.”
I so keenly feel at times how I only have one life, one small space of time, one shot at this thing, and I want to do it the best I can. I fail daily. But anything worth doing is worth persevering at.
I want to enjoy every good day and embrace forgiveness when I fail and just keep loving my people well. I want to display Jesus………and I want to keep growing and be better at it than I am. By studying His Word, by getting up when I fall, by keeping on keeping on even when I’ve lost my patience again and tears come, by throwing myself at the foot of the cross, by spending time under the tutelage of other woman seeking His will, I CAN keep growing.
I know I won’t attain the perfection here on earth that I’d really like to, but without aspiring to anything or attempting to continue to learn and grow, I won’t come any closer at all to my ideal.
I am believing God is using #TrueWoman201 to shape women all over the world to live as He designed us to live. Want to know more about this Bible study—or even start one yourself? Look here! truewoman201.com
If you haven’t done True Woman 101, you can find it over here! I really enjoyed it. How I wish I was better at retaining everything and as James says, “Living it.”
And True Woman 201 is here….
You can buy the workbook and dvd set here. It is $30 for the set. $20 for just the dvd. $15 for just the workbook.
Share about True Woman 201 on your social media if you have a few minutes!
We can make an impact. The needs and hurts and cares in this world can seem overwhelming, but each ONE that is touched or cared about, matters. Little + Little +Little +Little keeps adding up and multiplying and it makes a difference.
The hastag is #TrueWoman201.
God made women and gave us such a special design of our own. I am so glad He loves us so.
*I’m excited to be part of the Book Launch Team for True Woman. All opinions are my own.

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