Loving the contrast of colors…
And loving the way the wax that has melted from burning previously creates a lighter layered look on my JIC candle…
I discovered a cute look and a new bookmark idea that I loved! I was wanting something to use for a bookmark and I happened to notice this ribbon as I walked by my dresser. I stuck it in the book and loved how it stuck out the top and bottom and created a pretty look. Plus, it sorta matches the book. 🙂 This book is a smaller size book and it just paired together well!
{Notice my pouffe the book is laying on! Post coming up!}
Several, several years ago, the manager of our local Co-op sent a sample of my farmer’s wheat in to our county fair. It placed second, if I remember correctly, at the county level, so it went on to the state fair and placed fourth and this ribbon arrived in our mailbox one day! I’ve kept it because I thought it was fun and kinda neat and it’s pink and I like prize ribbons. Andrea Singarella used to have some darling ones in her shop. You can see them here, but she doesn’t have an active shoppette anymore.
Bath & Body handsoaps are among my favorites. I especially like their fall scents. This one has been hanging out on my kitchen sink!
The beans/grain are dry but there is still some green in the bean plant stems that can make the beans not want to feed so nicely or evenly.
But, if they can go, they need to be cut and hauled to the elevator. Beans are tricky and don’t hold as well as some crops. They like to start popping out of their pods and falling to the ground where the combine can’t get to them.
Multi-tasker…heading for combine and making phone call!
Books seem to be showing up this week! 🙂
I’m excited to have the new Jan Karon book to read and I love the title!
I’ve been working on a couple of blog posts about books that I hope to post soonish. Don’t you love how the use of -ish at the end of words has gotten popularish?! It comes in so handy, I think, for expressing timing or meaning. In an -ish sort of way.
My fun word for the week ~
Tucker was listening to an Odyssey while he folded laundry and in the episode one of the character’s announced in outraged tones, “We’ve been snookered!” It gave me a giggle. I like words and snookered isn’t a word you hear overly often! I also always get a kick out of Eugene and his phrase-ology.
My husband shared this quote last week and I totally love it!
Many folks want to serve God, but only as advisors.
While I was motoring along the highway on my way home from my chiro appointment, I had a moment much like Renae’s last year in Colorado. She was sitting on a huge rock overlooking a stream rushing down the mountain, when she suddenly proclaimed, “You know they have some big rocks in this country!”
As I swept past a circle of corn, thanks to the influence of my farmer, I noticed the International combine eating up the rows of corn and then I noticed the tractor and grain cart. This thought occurred to me, “You know they have some mega grain carts in this country!” 🙂
What an epiphany! Yes, I’ve noticed them before. It just stood out since the grain cart was a really big one and it was mounded full of harvested corn. That’s some major weight and bushels of grain going on. I obviously didn’t pay too close of attention because I can’t even tell you what kind of grain cart it was. I think it was a Kinzie or a Brent, but I don’t really know. If my man or son would’ve been along, I’m betting they would know.
I love Kansas and love the look of harvested grains.
Renae helped Grandma at the Red Cross Blood Drive.
I have been stuck on cinnamon hard candy. There were some dishes of candy at the Beth Moore Simulcast event and cinnamon candies were one of the things the hospitality team offered. I hadn’t had them or thought about them for a really long time. They tasted yummy and I picked a bag up at Wal-Mart when I went the next time. I’ve been reaching for them instead of peppermints.
Renae told me that she likes to play with apples and Tucker likes to eat apples. I was trying to figure this out when she explained, “iPod. Apple.”
Oh!!!! Yep, now I get it! 😉
We and some friends went and “decorated” another friend’s house with balloons and streamers and signs because she is celebrating her 40th birthday! We had lots of fun and it turned out rather cute, if I do say so myself! She gave us a call filled with much laughter and chortles! I talked to her first-grade daughter a couple of days later and I said, “What do you think of people coming in and filling up your house with balloons when you weren’t there?!!” She grinned and said, “Do it for my birthday!!”
I forgot to take my husband his pickup. Yeah. Handy. Helpful. Convenient. The list of adjectives could go on and on. But, I have this really nice husband and he was very sweet about it, EVEN though he needed tools and needed a way home. It all worked out. He managed. I was seriously annoyed with myself. Simply remembering, and five minutes of my time could’ve saved him a good bit of time and stress.
My farmer read me a tip that was shared on the Ag forum he reads. It made me laugh.
One simple step to improve your yields. Guaranteed.
Our week stayed busy……hoping for rain this week…….time to drill wheat….

I can’t believe it’s coming up on a year since you started this Memoir Monday! It’s always so fun to read what you have been up to!
It probably has been a year. I know I haven’t hit quite every week. I love compiling these posts and going back and reading my old ones. It sure shows me how fast each week goes when I find myself thinking, “Oh, it’s time for Monday memories again!”