An abundance of them. That’s the challenge for this Think Write Thursday.
What do you make when you have lots of tomatoes to use?
My #1 pick for the last few years is salsa! I have a recipe we really like and we use it up quite quickly.
I have a yummy recipe for bean dip that uses the salsa in it. Another favorite of ours is White Chicken Chili and I use the salsa in it, too. I think the homemade salsa makes both recipes ! In fact, this salsa has become a pantry staple around here and we ARE ALMOST OUT OF IT!!! Ack!! 🙂
I’m hoping to gather enough tomatoes and peppers to make some more. I’m confident we’ll survive without it, though. BUT we’ll survive happier if I’m able to can it again this summer! Ha!
My sore foot isn’t helping get these kind of chores completed. {Not too many others either, far as that goes!}
Renae picked some more tomatoes this very morning and I’m hope, hoping to possibly have enough AND the ability today or tomorrow to come up with some salsa.
Enough words about salsa and sore feet.
Let’s move on to…………FRESH SALSA!!! I haven’t made this too often, but fresh salsa is a yummy treat in the summer and helps use up tomatoes.
Home canned tomato juice is another thing I make. We use it for this Tasty Taco Soup. I have a handy-dandy fruit and vegetable strainer attachment for my Kitchen Aid mixer and it makes very simple work of juicing tomatoes. Messy, but simple. Any kind of food processing and preserving has its fair amount of mess in my opinion!
I also make spaghetti sauce or marinara sauce sometimes. I made a crockpot recipe a couple of years ago and then froze it. Super easy and it was yummy.
I saw a recipe recently for stuffed tomatoes. The filling was taco meat and it looked yummy to try!
What’s YOUR favorite thing to make with tomatoes?