If you are looking for an in-depth, mind-stirring blog post to read, this would not be the one. Nope, this one is pretty much fluff and fun. I like a good mix of both kinds in my life.
Today, I am simply reflecting on one of my personal quirks. Aren’t people funny? I am amused at times at the different little habits we have, or the things that just bug us, or our particularness in one certain area.
One of my funny habits has to do with my selection of what I’m going to drink from when I’m serving myself a drink.
If I’m drinking milk or juice, especially if it is first thing in the morning, this is usually what I reach for. This or the one below. I like them both. Love me some speckled enamelware!
A pretty mug is what I reach for when I’m going to drink hot chocolate or spiced cider or flavored coffee. I will drink milk from a mug too, but I really prefer my enamel cups. I’m just funny like that.
I like to have a glass of ice water within reach a lot of the time. And I like it in a glass glass. Much better than a plastic one. I am not a fan of plastic cups, but I do have a couple of occasions when I stoop from my snootiness of having to have a glass glass.
These stainless steel tumblers are what I find myself grabbing when I want a quick drink. It might be water or milk or lemonade. I’m just wanting a quick drink and my ice water is all or I’m not sure where I’ve left my glass or some other odd reason.
Here is my exception to plastic. When I am headed out the door, my ice water that I like to take with me, comes along in a plastic cup. I’m doing good to manage juggling my drink and not spilling it, without having to worry about breaking a glass. I also use plastic if I’m going to be at home, but outside.
Isn’t your day happier now because I’ve made you stop and think about what you prefer when it comes to choosing a drinking glass!
I am thankful for an abundance of clean, fresh water and the drinks that abound in my life. To help supply people in other parts of the world with clean water, you can go to Compassion’s website here.
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I agree w/ the water in a glass cup. Can’t stand a swig of water that tastes and smells like plastic!
We use a lot of canning jars to drink from! We are hard on glassware around here! Those jars hold up!
We have pottery mugs that I love to use for tea or hot chocolate.
By the way, do you have some Pennsylvania Dutch background? You used a phrase I hear a lot here in Lancaster County, PA – about your drink being “all.” 🙂 I never heard that until we moved her nearly 19 years ago!
Fun post!
I use canning jars for taking iced tea to my husband when he is in the field. They work great and they hold a lot!
I don’t have Pennsylvania Dutch background, but I do have German Baptist Brethren background and they both would come from an Anabaptist heritage. That’s really interesting about saying your drink is all. I’ve never given it a second thought! 🙂
I love that enamelware! It is so farm-y and just seems perfect for you.
I have cute green coffee mugs I drink out of when I’m drinking my, well, coffee. We have a set of boring drinking glasses in 4 different sizes that we have had since we got married. I really should update them but they work just fine so they’ll probably stay around until we break more of them!
I love my enamelware too. There are so many fun colors.
Oh well if your drinking glasses are boring. They work and they’re available and they’re not costing you anything! Yay!
I love enamelware, and while I basically don’t care what I drink water out of, you better not take my coffee mug 🙂
Hey I got your sis to using bloglovin, which is similar to gfc, you should try it 🙂 Oh and I would follow you that way too 😉
I’ve never been sure that I’m that into GFC or Bloglovin’ but maybe it helps you connect with people?!
I love enamelware too{obviously} and I won’t touch your coffee mug. 🙂
You forgot to mention that your glass is all yours too – you don’t share!!! LOL!! I use my large Tupperware cups most of the time. Or my large glass measuring cup glasses. Or a small mug. Or a small plastic cup. Whatever happens to be CLEAN at the time!
I did forget to mention that! Definitely another quirk I have. 🙂 My farmer man can share my drink and sometimes my kids can and that’s pretty much it!
I, too, smiled when you said your drink was “all”. I tease people here all the time about their GB “accents” – it cracks me up some of the things they say and the grammar they say it with 🙂 I am not super picky about my drinking vessel, I typically drink from a plastic cup all day and if I still know where it is & which one is mine at supper I will use it. Mr. Steady on the other hand will drink out of a plastic cup all day but come supper, he wants a glass glass. I don’t drink coffee but when I drink hot cocoa or hot chai, I use my special Longaberger mugs (they were Horizon of Hope for breast cancer so they have pink flowers and since I’m currently the only lady in the house I know they’ll always be there). Love your enamelware, I have one of the tumblers I bought off ebay but it has a small hole it in. We used it in the bathroom for a long time for teeth brushing but the dribbling got too annoying.
The “accent” thing is interesting. I’ve never heard anything about it or thought about if before. 🙂
There is just something about a special mug for hot drinks, I think. I have Longaberger pie plates and I truly love them.
I have had to throw out a couple of my enamelware mugs because they had holes worn through. They were green and we had had them ever since we were married.
I wasn’t done 🙂 Thinking what you were saying about quirks the other day…my 6 year old will just randomly pick a pajama shirt and a different pair of pajama shorts from the drawer and it drives me BATTY. I was lecturing him about it and my husband said “he’s just going to bed, who cares?” Well, when you put it that way…..lol.
That bugs me too. My son has that same tendency. I know it’s just for bed, but I’m the one looking at the mismatched p.j.’s! 🙂