This is what it looked like for a few days around here right after Thanksgiving!
Icy winter came to call.
Ice is beautiful and it certainly puts on a dazzling display.
Yes, it is beautiful. But treacherous too.
Beautiful from inside a warm house.
Not so wonderful when electric lines are jumping around like they are trying to perform in a double dutch jump rope contest.
Not as beautiful when there are chores and cows to care for.
Not as nice when one must venture out for appointments and jobs.
Not as nice when it has coated parking lots and garage approaches, causing tricky footing underneath!
And another thing about ice storms, they almost always manage to knock out the electricity for a while.
Icy winter.
Beautiful, breathtakingly so, in these photos.
But watch out, all the same!

So pretty! But ice is dangerous and scary! We’ve been in the mid 70s here in North Carolina so it’s nice to see (but not have to deal with) wintery weather.
Isn’t that true? 🙂 It warmed up again here and we’ve had some 60’s. Today it turned winter again. It is cold and it snowed a little.