Hello to {hello monday posts} for a year! This one makes fifty-two!
I’ve enjoyed posting snippets of our week. It has broadened my thankfulness for the simple everyday things we do and shown me so many things I love about this life God has blessed me with. We are so, so ordinary and probably boring, in many people’s view of life. Yet, I feel like I keep learning to see the blessing in ordinary and learning to embrace what we love, simply because we love it. It’s too easy to let other opinions filter over into our choices or to shade areas of our life.
Hello to mowing and bookwork and checking systems and eating lunch with my parents and then telling them good-bye as they headed east and working on house clean-up and the next step in making pickles and to disking on Monday.
Hello darling birthday gift!
Hello to walking and cleaning out garage and moving rocks and washing rugs and taking lunch to my man and 100 degrees and picking up sweet corn at Mom’s and the kiddos swimming and playing outside and hello to watching sprinklers spray the yard and trees and playing chauffeur for my farmer and the kiddos and I mopping the kitchen floor on Tuesday.
Hello lovely and delicious cakes that were delivered along with the basket above! So annoyed that I didn’t take a picture of the gift basket before I took it all apart. It had chocolate and spatulas and tissue and the towel all arranged in it and had darling polka-dot balloons tied to it.
Hello to blogging and Tucker mowing and walking and outside stuff and watering and laundry{always laundry} and cleaning bathroom and phone calls and making biscuits for breakfast and Bible study and blessed with birthday gifts and cleaning the doctor’s office on Wednesday.
Hello to this Peterbilt delivering a load of rock for our driveway!
Hello to putting up sweet corn and stealing kisses and hugs from our baby niece and an orthodontist appointment and bringing back pizza for lunch and cutting off corn in the afternoon and hello to spraying and working on systems and supper on the grill and watering and fertilizing flowerpots and roses and tomato plants and doing some stuff online on Thursday!
Hello to walking and washing sheets and phone calls and fixing a casserole for some neighbors and riding along with my man to get a load of gyp and picking up cold meat that was slivered and ready and hello to fieldwork and starting systems and cutting down sweet corn stalks to feed to the cows in our pasture. This chore was extra fun for the boy on our farm because the sprinkler was running in the garden and he chopped away anyway. And hello to putting pictures on cd to send off in the mail and to renewing my blog and to little things like cleaning out drawers and combining the two bags of peppermints that were both open, on Friday.
Hello to laundry and walking and my brother stopping by to get his share of sandwich meat and to watching this video over at The LPM Blog and to lunch of hamburgers and potatoes and chocolate chip cookie cupcakes and running errands and Tucker washing dad’s pickup and off to the field to bladeplow with a snack of an ice cream cone and a cold Pepsi fixed by the farmer’s son and canning pickles and cutting off a little more sweet corn and lovely cool air and open windows and some mowing and watering on Saturday.
My blog reading has been very hit and miss this summer, but I did read this post from Lisa-Jo Baker this week and loved it. As did a lot of other people. I’m thankful to have a man who may not have ever run through an airport after me, but is there every day, steadily working and loving and caring for his family and saying things like, “Tomorrow’s Sunday and I get to spend all day with my family” or “You made your husband happy today” when I am lamenting to him because I have a long to-do list and I feel like I’m not getting it accomplished.
What was your favorite ordinary-everyday blessing from your week last week?

I appreciate you sharing that post from Lisa-Jo Baker. So much truth there!
There sure is!
I really wish I would have been there when those delicious looking cakes were delivered. I’m sure I would have devoured at least one of them. 🙂 Love the pic of Dad and Son sharing a hug, it’s a true picture of your family life. So fun to share in your life this way when the miles are separating us.
You may or may not have gotten one of the cakes. My daughter and I did quite well at devouring them! 🙂
I was glad to be nearby with my camera when T delivered the snack to his daddy. Lots of times I’m wishing for my camera and don’t have it.
I liked that blog post too! If it were necessary I think my man probably would run through the airport after me! but it’s never been necessary 🙂
Love that you renewed your blog! That means another year or two of posts from you 😉
Let’s hope there are blog posts from me. 😉 Never. Enough. Time.