Three things I love about opening wide the windows in my house!
Fresh cool breezes wafting in
Listening to the birds and the outside noises
Turning off both the heating and the air conditioning
We’ve had hot weather this summer, yet we’ve also had some nice breaks in the heat, accompanied by cooler weather and open windows in our house! I’m thankful for it. I enjoy opening windows and my front door and letting the outdoors in. {Except flies. They can jolly well stay OUT.}
What do you enjoy most about cool air and open windows?

I like the way it freshens the whole house, the frame of mind it puts me in, and knowing we aren’t spending anything to make the house so comfortable but it is God sending the cool breezes our way.
Amen. I should’ve had you write this post. 🙂
Definitely love hearing the summer sounds when the windows are open: kids playing, train whistles in the distance, rumbling thunder, birds & cicadas. Love having the windows open in summer!
I’m thankful, thankful, thankful for air conditioning, but it’s so fun to have open windows when it’s cool!
We’ve had our windows open a LOT this year! So nice since we didn’t get that a/c installed. I won’t mind some more hot weather so we can go swimming more but the cooler weather has been nice.
I know~I like that “just-right” weather!!
I agree with your momma, love knowing it’s not costing much to keep cool (aside from running the ceiling fans and house fan) and I love that it dissipates stinky smells. Three boys in one room can really stink up a room quick…and they’re not even to that “stinky” stage yet 🙂
Thanks for the giggle this morning! Here’s hoping you have many open window opportunities over the years to come! 🙂