Have you “met” Lilla Rose and their fun and functional flexis and hairbands and bobby pins? To name a few of the great hair holders and accessories they offer. Have you been interested or considered the Lilla Rose consultant opportunity?
If you have, now is a great time to act on it. Lilla Rose is offering free shipping on all enrollment kits until the end of July 2013. If you haven’t, now is a great time to consider it! 🙂
Check out the above chart to see the dollar amount you will save on shipping!
You can join Lilla Rose for as little as $49.95 + tax.
You can join simply to buy flexis for yourself at a discounted price. You can join to grow your own direct sales company. You can be as flexible with it as you want. You can share Lilla Rose with family and friends or you can build a business. I’m part of a great facebook group of lovely consultants and it is a mix of both. Some ladies have quite a business through their Lilla Rose, while others enjoy a relaxed approach. Lilla Rose is a great company to be a part of! They are a young company and are growing! You don’t have to meet any monthly goals. The only requirement is $29 in sales yearly. It can be $29 that you spend yourself or the $29 could come from an order from a friend or from your growing business!
Lilla Rose is so fun with all their sizes and styles! Choices for everyone!
Meet the mini Hawaiian Flower…
The Freestyle headband is lovely as well as the Parade of Color!
Meet the Horse Named Rose...
Flexis are great for ladies of all ages!
Come see what Lilla Rose is all about! Click through here! Email me at adelightfulglow at havilandtelco dot com with any questions. You can click on the @ pennant at the top of the page for an easy way to e-mail me!

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