New week. New photos and happenings from life last week. Even though many of the things we do are the same everyday-ordinary-livinglife-kind-of-things. So Hello Monday! Hello to some things we did!
We made donuts.
We made bread. We made half of a recipe at the beginning of the week and made a whole recipe at the end of the week. I don’t recommend forgetting to put the salt in. Same texture. It still raises. But, boy, it affects the flavor. So, hello to shaking salt onto a slice of bread with a salt shaker. I can’t say as I’ve ever done that before this week.
We had acorns. My made-up name for one of the simplest, easiest, not-hard-at-all, favorite meals on this farm.
We made energy bites.
Hello cuddling and trying to wake up in the morning.
Hello to drawing and art and pictures. New markers are always so much fun.
Hello Playmobil fun! I love all the little details of Playmobil. A whole world of imagination, creation, and fun!
Hello digging out the Bloco pieces and animals while setting up Playmobil.
Speaking of animals…Hello to our resident roadrunner. I was happy to get a peek at you again. You didn’t appear during the snow. I didn’t see you, anyway. And Hello wild turkeys! Yay! Spring is coming. I saw them run across the back of the field and rejoiced at their appearance. I hadn’t seen them since sometime last fall.
Hello Lilla Rose fun! Loving this Antique Style Dangle Jet.
Hello new rugs for my kitchen! A blog post all of their own coming {soon?} {sometime.} One or the other.
They arrived in my kitchen from Sew a Fine Seam’s Etsy Shop. I’m so glad she’s my sister. She’d be happy to take your custom order for your own rugs or some other project you are wanting made. I have a camera strap and I have a couple of ruffled scarves and I have toy teabags. If I had a little girl, she would definitely have these ruffled leggings in her wardrobe. But my girl seems to have grown up on me when I wasn’t looking. I’m also really loving these super-cute, super-fun Easter egg banners!
And other various this and thats of last week…….Hello to my blog DISAPPEARING. When I clicked to it one morning it wasn’t there. Sigh… I wasn’t surprised, really. The day before it seemed that everything had gone awry and was one of those not-so-fun-miserable-no-good days. The kind of day we’re all glad to say good-bye to. The days we really don’t want to ever have to deal with. BUT, they always remind me once again that my trust belongs in my Savior, Jesus Christ, not in myself, not in my world, not in all the things I often find myself trusting in.
Hello to great service from Bluehost. They soon had my blog problems resolved and fixed. I have no idea what the problem was and I don’t think the friendly technician, who helped me, was quite sure either.
Hello to a new recipe to try! I’m excited about this idea for making refried beans. I read about Money Saving Mom’s success with it and the recipe is here.
Hello to washing some windows. Every time I wash windows, I hear my mother saying, “I love clean windows.” I think about my Grandmother who always thought her windows were dirty and to listen to her you would’ve believed that she had the dirtiest windows for five counties around. {She didn’t.} There’s been times when I was glad that I lived several states away so she couldn’t see the condition of my windows. 🙂
Hello to my sister texting me a picture of the cake pops she made. My family was having a celebration yesterday for my mother and my dad and my niece’s birthdays. Too many miles! I would’ve loved to have been there. And try the cake pops. I hope she posts pictures on her blog. I’ve long thought I would give making cake pops a try and I still haven’t. My thought of trying my hand at them is refreshed.
We had our own birthday celebration for my brother, since it was too far to all be together. We had pizza and apple pie. {But I know the dinner that my sister fixed would’ve been much tastier.}
Hello to a blog post that is getting quite long.
So, hello to THE END.*
*have a great week!!
Linking up with Lisa!

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Wow! I love all the great recipes and ideas you offer here, Deborah. And I’ll have to check out your sister’s etsy page too. Both of you must be very “crafty!” Thanks for coming by my place and it’s nice to meet you here at yours, Deborah!
My sister is very creative and crafty and loves to sew. I would never label myself as crafty. I do enjoy baking very much. I just don’t think of it as a craft.
Thanks for stopping by! Happy week!
That bread looks soooo yummy! I can’t say I have ever forgotten to add salt to my bread, although the first time I made bread, I saw the capital T for tablespoon but thought it meant teaspoon, so didn’t get nearly enough yeast in it. That bread took 4 hours to raise!
At least it did raise! 🙂
This recipe definitely needed the salt. Of course I missed it when I was making a big recipe! haha!
Where’s the acorn recipe?? I am intrigued!
It is in the comments on the post I linked to. If you can even call it a recipe! 🙂
What a fun post, your kids are so cute helping bake – love the flour on your son’s face 🙂 Thanks for sharing your week with us.
Thanks for coming by! I enjoy posting events from our week.
What a fun post – I love Mondays cause I get to see what all you have been up to!
Bummer about your blog disappearing! How tramatizing – so glad for Bluehost and their great customer service. Thanks for all the shout-outs – you made my day! Will be fun to see how your rug holds up. Now to get the other one finished up. Do you still want it approximately 24×36?
Yes, another rug the same size will be great! I didn’t even measure, so I don’t know what it is.